Example sentences of "two [noun pl] [verb] from the " in BNC.

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1 A WOMAN law clerk was remanded in custody yesterday at Manchester magistrates ' court , accused of helping two prisoners escape from the court where they were on trial over the Strangeways jail riot .
2 As Wilson recalled , his first experience of the courts occurred in April 1889 when he was fined five pounds and costs at Sunderland for having attempted to persuade two seamen to desert from the ss Edmonsley , an incident which Fairplay reported with glee .
3 Right again that 's slightly complicated in that we have two roads coming from the Leeds direction and the
4 Although emphasis was initially upon recognition of the variety of landscape features , sediments and structures that could be developed under periglacial conditions , the potential subsequently arose of developing a greater knowledge of phases of periglacial landscape development , and in Poland and other countries in Europe this emphasis was clearly evident in research in the 1960s and much of the research was reflected in Periglacial Geomorphology ( Embleton and King , 1975 ) which was one of two books to derive from the earlier Glacial and Periglacial Geomorphology ( Embleton and King , 1968 ) .
5 This joint initiative did not preclude individual mediation efforts by GCC member states : in 1985 Saudi Arabia promoted an exchange of foreign ministers ' visits with Iran and made other efforts to overcome the estrangement between the two countries resulting from the Eagle-Phantom air battle and Iran 's resentment of Saudi and other GCC support for Iraq .
6 The Scots ' other two tries came from the St Andrews wing , David Hall , both scores resulting from crisp handling in the midfield , where Peter Flockhart at inside centre was one of the Scots ' big successes .
7 In a dream a tall thin priest informed him that the two pieces came from the same votive cylinder and had been cut in two to make earrings for a statue of the god Ninib .
8 HRT gives fast relief from the immediate symptoms — hot flashes and night sweats — but needs to be taken for at least two years to protect from the more serious long-term side-effects of the menopause : heart disease and the bone-thinning condition osteoporosis .
9 No. 76 , in page 40 , line 42 , at end insert — ( 2 ) For a period of two years commencing from the first transfer date , a member ( whether elected or appointed ) or an employee of a local authority , shall not be eligible for appointment as chairman , but , after that time has elapsed , no such restriction shall apply . ' .
10 She is spending two days isolated from the world . ’
11 There seems to be no sense in which the idea of the Commonwealth can be said to have developed from Indirect Rule , but the similarity of the language employed , and the fact that enthusiasts for one were usually enthusiasts for the other , would appear to suggest that the two ideas sprang from the same rich soil , composted over the years of imperial fact and imperial fancy .
12 So by June 1991 , the two teams working from the West Kingsdale end , had pushed the end of the line to 1435 metres from base .
13 Appendix three er contains two pages taken from the County Surveyors report of the sixth of September nineteen ninety one .
14 The question of the exclusivity of Community competence is of particular difficulty with regard to two concepts derived from the case law of the European Court : the concept that the existence of Community legislation on a matter excludes national legislation on the same matter , which may be illustrated in the context of the free movement of goods , and the concept that the duty of the Community to act in a particular matter from a particular date may exclude the possibility of Member States acting in that area from that date , which may particularly be illustrated in the context of external competence .
15 After another meal and a longish snooze , the two hedgehogs crawled from the nest at sunset to walk along the grassy bank of the canal .
16 The meeting had been called in an effort to heal the renewed rift between the two Presidents resulting from the October retreat by the central administration from radical economic reform .
17 Second Army was now extended over a front of some 97km/60mls , with its two wings separated from the centre .
18 The general run of shoppers would not believe that the two girls came from the same family .
19 Two members drawn from the rank and file of the Congress of People 's Deputies were Kauls , a highly successful agricultural manager from Latvia , and Yarin , a metalworker from the Urals and a leader of the United Workers ' Front , an unofficial blue-collar organization set up in mid-1989 [ see p. 36898 ] .
20 The first two men to exit from the following party were killed when their parachutes failed to open , but luckily the RAF dispatcher managed to stop the rest from jumping .
21 The two men rose from the table together .
22 In a two-dimensional space , for example as on this printed page , every point can be fixed , and fixed uniquely , by two numbers derived from the scales measuring of the length and the breadth of the page .
23 Two portraits taken from the interviews will illustrate some of these differences .
24 Two attributes come from the same domain of Political Parties .
25 Since visual field asymmetry and dichotic ear differences have both been claimed as indices of the same phenomenon — cerebral lateralisation of language — these two measures derived from the same set of subjects ought to correlate with each other .
26 The apparent abdication of power by central government is illustrated by two examples taken from the turn of the century .
27 The prospect of a radical overhaul of US banking legislation was confirmed on Feb. 5 when the US Treasury announced proposals including the abolition of two laws dating from the 1930s which were widely blamed for the fragmented character of US banking .
28 LAST Tuesday 's column asked which two footballers went from the Mill Field to Field Mill Crook Town to Mansfield , in other words .
29 The two women dismounted from the taxi as soon as possible .
30 In developments related to the presidential election , two ministers resigned from the government in the weeks leading up to the vote ; the leader of the Solidarity parliamentary group , the Citizens ' Parliamentary Faction ( OKP ) , Bronislaw Geremek , was replaced by Mieczyslaw Gil ; and , reflecting workers ' disenchantment with economic conditions , transport workers and miners staged several strikes .
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