Example sentences of "two [noun] [to-vb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 I 've got two essays to write in the next fortnight .
2 It took us about two minutes to get into the basement flat , about five minutes for Nicola to shake off the giggles and about another five for me to brief her as to what to say .
3 For comparison purposes it is interesting to note that searching a sequential ASCII file using a standard Unix command ( grep ) takes approximately two minutes to look for the 22 words of the test sentence , not including all the alternative candidate strings for each of these word positions .
4 Two coaches to travel with the team are Nicholf Cruz and Noel Humpston of Dublin .
5 Respective values for the later serial positions were compared between the two groups to test for the recency effect produced in the first group .
6 As Wilson recalled , his first experience of the courts occurred in April 1889 when he was fined five pounds and costs at Sunderland for having attempted to persuade two seamen to desert from the ss Edmonsley , an incident which Fairplay reported with glee .
7 The Individual Programme Plans of Elizabeth and Helen , which took two attempts to get off the ground because of staff changes and inadequate training , have been virtually suspended — even before the first reviews — because of the latest staffing upheaval .
8 As a preliminary , we must note that Thai has two forms to correspond to the English word old ; one is ( with superscript 2 indicating low tone ) which is used of animate beings , and the other is , applied to inanimates .
9 We had about two months to prepare for the seven of them ; a period useful not only for the co-ordinating of the PR assault but also , I believe , a safety gap , a firebreak , a time in which the military could take stock , an interval in which Goreng could see if there was to be a resurgence of the lost FAKINTIL in the hills .
10 The government has two months to reply to the charges .
11 Although emphasis was initially upon recognition of the variety of landscape features , sediments and structures that could be developed under periglacial conditions , the potential subsequently arose of developing a greater knowledge of phases of periglacial landscape development , and in Poland and other countries in Europe this emphasis was clearly evident in research in the 1960s and much of the research was reflected in Periglacial Geomorphology ( Embleton and King , 1975 ) which was one of two books to derive from the earlier Glacial and Periglacial Geomorphology ( Embleton and King , 1968 ) .
12 You take that two pound to go to the .
13 He sent Lady Reading and two secretaries to talk with the men .
14 An American note was sent to the Soviet Union on 11 August 1947 requesting a report from the Joint Commission by 21 August to enable the two governments to decide on the next step .
15 It took her two weeks to go through the whole house — ten working days .
16 Two weeks to go before the competition , ’ said Mr Gordon one evening .
17 I have reservations about Perlman and Mehta 's treatment of the Glazunov , though , which seems neither as richly romantic as Oscar Shumsky 's on Chandos , nor as glittering as Anne-Sophie Mutter 's on Erato : the other two versions to appear in the last year .
18 The judge in the case had ordered an investigation into why social services took two years to call in the police.Kim Barnes reports
19 Oracle UK has developed a front end customer service system for Telecom Securicor Cellular Radio Ltd 's Cellnet mobile phone users : it runs on Hewlett-Packard Co Unix systems but will take two years to implement across the firm 's sites .
20 Shanti 's mother loved her very dearly , and had tried for nearly two years to cope with the situation where she , as an Indian , had a baby with an African father .
21 Software Etc Stores Inc , Edina , Minnesota software retailer , got its offering of 800,000 shares , all new , away at $15.50 per share and intends to use the $12m or so net proceeds to accelerate its store expansion programme — opening 60 to 70 new stores in each of the next two years to add to the 42 currently open .
22 HRT gives fast relief from the immediate symptoms — hot flashes and night sweats — but needs to be taken for at least two years to protect from the more serious long-term side-effects of the menopause : heart disease and the bone-thinning condition osteoporosis .
23 The next night , before going to bed , Gabriel called his two dogs to come into the house for the night .
24 Chola too complained that there were now two dogs to get in the way and whinge for food .
25 Two days to go before the first home game of the season .
26 To her surprise , they agreed that she could continue to work for PW three days a week , leaving her two days to work on the business .
27 T : two things to establish for the writer at the beginning of the story one the situation what is the situation * at the beginning of the story * anybody what 's the situation Douglas * have you read the story Douglas S : no sir T : ah that wo n't help then will it who 's read the story what is the situation at the beginning SS : ( laughter ) T : £ is it Michael S : Carl T : what 's the situation at the beginning simple detail situation what where what is the story about at the beginning * have you read it S : no sir T : right who 's read it * Sarah ( Walsh 1987 : 82 )
28 → Bi-amping is the use of two amplifiers to work upon the different frequency bands of a single signal .
29 In some parts of the country a substantial part of residential services for adults with long-term mental illness , elderly or otherwise , is provided by private landlords who may employ one or two staff to assist with the care of a few residents .
30 They employ two rangers to look after the district 's 1,200 footpaths , and work with farmers and landowners to make sure these well-used rights of way are kept in good condition .
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