Example sentences of "then went [prep] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 We then went on the Underground on the line to Victoria where we caught the 08.35 train to Hayward 's Heath .
2 She trained at Liverpool ( S.R.N. , S.C.M. , Q.1.D.N.S. , Hospital Gold Medal 1963 ) and then went on the district in her native Westmorland .
3 She poured Scotch for them both , then went towards the bathroom to add water .
4 Birds came and nested , then went to the south .
5 She then went to the scene of the shooting .
6 Right he then went to the pulpit and he said that he was gon na preach about Lazarus actually but he 's a quiet fellow and he shouted at the top of his voice I 'm speaking about satanic bondage !
7 Members of the board then went to the organisation headquarters to reassure the staff — there are now 35 working on the project — that the Games would go ahead .
8 The doctor then went to the magistrate and swore on oath that he would probably die if sent to prison .
9 A Symes in High Street Ward , for example , pointed to the ‘ vast problems to be faced by the Borough — houses for the working classes , road improvements , removal of slums , tram system improved ’ , but then went to the heart of the matter :
10 Greg got up , blundered round the tiny bedroom , and then went to the bathroom and showered noisily , as if he were trying to knock sense into his head .
11 Instead he shouted for Lieutenant Doggett , then went to the kitchen where he sat and tugged on his boots .
12 He then went to the kitchen and ate some food .
13 The waiver having been granted , the papers then went to the Crown Office .
14 He got up from the desk , then went to the window wall and stood there .
15 He smiled at her and nodded , then went to the door , stretching to reach the latch .
16 She put cutlery and napkins on two trays , then went to the door .
17 They waited several minutes and then went to the back of the building where the family 's living quarters were .
18 She straightened up , wiping her forehead with the bottom of her apron , and then went to the dresser to open the drawer .
19 From this he moved on to command the airship station at Wormwood Scrubs , and then went to the Admiralty to help in airship design and allocation .
20 You 're welcome , ’ then went to the sink in the far corner of the kitchen to wash his hands , came back to the fireside to sit down in a chair to the right of the oven , and watched his wife putting out the meal .
21 I had a sandwich in a crowded City pub , and then went to the bank to collect Miss Macdonald 's letter .
22 Her son had been detained on his way to Dunvegan , so they lunched in a stately dining-room , and then went to the drawing-room to meet the family .
23 Then went to the Citizen 's Advice Bureau ( CAB ) at Wembley , as my husband had suggested , and asked them for information about how to join a union .
24 He then went to the library .
25 The chairman then went to the extent of scrapping every committee , and having three full council meetings a week , on the grounds that every member should consider every issue .
26 He went back to his office , made some sharp remarks to a surprised , and hurt , Müller about sloppy work , worked himself , then went to the canteen for his lunch .
27 Beth Shepherd set the two bags down on the kitchen table then went to the garden door and undid the top catch .
28 He then went to the Palace at three .
29 Roared on by a massive contingent of supporters , Gloucester then went for the kill .
30 A neighbour who heard the bell , a sound she had never heard in all her fifteen years in the street , puzzled over it for half an hour and then went across the road to the school .
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