Example sentences of "then it [verb] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 If this was a genetic accident , then it had tremendous significance in regard to unintentional evolution to homeothermy and great species longevity .
2 East Anglia and the South-West continued to grow , as did the South-East until 1966 , then it experienced net loss owing to the massive haemorrhage from the capital .
3 If you have no social life or circle of friends when you start your single lifestyle then it requires more effort on your part .
4 Plenty of dual instruction is needed to be safe , and then it requires constant practice on high approaches to be able to sideslip effectively .
5 And then it fills one side up then .
6 surplus there is , and then it redistributes that surplus and given that the , the , the priority is industrialization most if not all of that surplus is going to go to the industrial sector .
7 yes , and then it says ordinary management services
8 Then it becomes public property and you can , for a small fee , obtain a copy from Somerset House in London .
9 On the twin assumptions that workers act rationally and that time is divided between work and leisure , it follows that if taxation encourages more leisure then it discourages more work and vice versa .
10 Nevertheless AFHQ was not informed that the Croats had been turned back until the morning of 16 May , and even then it took some time for the information to be fully taken in by all branches concerned .
11 If a country requires foreign exchange ( e.g. dollars ) to a support the par value of the domestic currency , then it purchases foreign exchange with its own currency .
12 It forms when chlorine-containing compounds such as CFCs break down in the stratosphere and then it triggers photochemical chain reactions that can destroy as many as 100000 molecules of ozone per molecule of ClO .
13 and then it winds another piece of paper in and starts printing again
14 There was a gentle , left-right shuffle , then it resumed yaw-free flight .
15 If the less frequently attacked male groin must be protected by a guard , then it follows that chest protectors ought to be compulsory for female contestants .
16 If it is necessary to draw a clear distinction between social problems and sociological questions then it follows that sociology must maintain a critical distance from the ideas — whether dominant or otherwise — of any particular society at any particular time .
17 If this hypothesis is correct — as more and more biologists believe it to be — then it illustrates that symbiosis , co-operation between organisms , is a crucial evolutionary step in nature ; for without it , organisms as complex as plants , animals , and fungi simply would not exist .
18 If a group anticipates no response at all , a blunt refusal , or even an attack upon its very integrity , then it makes good sense to keep its political head down below the level of activity .
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