Example sentences of "then be [prep] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It 's more or less a third of the marketplace will then be to the right .
2 Focus would then be on the painting process itself , as in modernism , rather than on what is being painted .
3 In the long-run , however , unemployment and real output will return to their ‘ natural ’ levels , so that the full effect of the increase in the money supply will then be on the price level .
4 The rotor tips would then be on the point of breaking up and the mounting on the verge of shattering under the centrifugal force .
5 The onus will then be on the seller to reject the buyer 's counter offer .
6 It would then be for the wife 's solicitors to draft the relevant conveyance/ transfer and declaration of trust ( as appropriate ) and submit these to the husband 's solicitors .
7 If the authority was under a duty to make a decision on the matters in issue between the parties , this duty will revive when the decision is quashed and it will then be for the authority to make a fresh decision .
8 Barring a last-minute volte-face by the MoD , the aircraft will then be at the mercy of the highest bidder , who might just be a scrap dealer .
9 After DataEntry is complete , press the key ( Paradox calls this the ‘ Do-It ! ’ key ) , and you 'll then be in the View Table screen .
10 We will then be in the market .
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