Example sentences of "then back to the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Thereafter we witness Rose being guided by the Fool towards Pagoda-land , where she finds the salamander , then back to the court where her kindness to both the salamander and her persecuted old father is rewarded by the transformation of the Prince to his real shape and his victory over all contenders to win Rose , rescue her father and banish Epine .
2 First came a 7,000 mile , six day round trip from ocean to ocean for Rugby Canada 's two games in Newfoundland ; then back to the west coast with all the healthy B.C. players involved in one or more of the eight games undertaken against Swansea and Northumberland .
3 He pumped steadily for five minutes , crossed to the starboard hull , pumped for a further ten minutes , then back to the port hull for a final five .
4 Down over the stomach to the groin , then back to the chest , feeling for each rib under its layer of flabby muscle and fat .
5 Classic ritual of the disappointing album : buy it at the Megastore ; go for coffee as a way of prolonging the moment of consumption , rip off the cellophane , remove the card inlay ( taking care not to tear it on the little perspex teeth ) and scan the lyrics ( Giddy-up giddy-up giddy-up whoa/My pony boy ’ — shit ! ) ; tube home ( further lyric-skimming ) ; feed it to the CD player , skip to the second track while still halfway through the first , sample that , move on , hop and jump to the end and start wondering about forthcoming birthdays — then back to the beginning in the hope that maybe it is , as we used to say , a grower .
6 It 's rather like a trip on the Circle Line ; you can get on at any point really , and you 'll get to the fridge , or the move , or the school fees sooner or later and then back to the beginning again .
7 His gaze flickered over her , then back to the simularity .
8 Then back to the door .
9 After that it was on to the theatre for the evening show , then back to the Theatre Girls ' Club for , if they are to be believed , another meal of egg and chips .
10 Quickly coiling the bow line , he raised the main , then back to the cockpit .
11 Then back to the kitchen to clear up the mess before Dad got back off the night shift .
12 Then back to the station , to rescue the luggage , and to the train , destined to become so familiar , standing in the bay .
13 Those that did , turned onto the Zeros who were by now en route to other targets and then back to the battle fleet .
14 ’ She turned to Lily , then back to the company : ‘ And you know it is a Rumanian who has a médaille d'or because he climb it ?
15 Glancing up at her uneasily and then back to the document in front of him he read that Nora Elizabeth Fanshawe , by profession a teacher , had been born in London in 1945 , had black hair , brown eyes and was five feet nine inches tall with no distinguishing marks .
16 He glanced slyly at her and then back to the filing cabinet three feet away from where she was standing .
17 He said , ‘ Now what I have in mind is a stroll to the end of the valley just to see what goes on there , then back to the car and home for tea , how about that ? ’
18 Isabel obeyed , watching in trepidation as he paced over to the door , then back to the fireplace .
19 Then back to the corner of Blackmoor Drive and then we were told to parade at 10.45 p.m. for night duty .
20 They look at the newspaper front pages then back to the report .
21 And it just goes on keeps going on another night another nightmare and then back to the interview room again and the tape machine again and more questions about Stromefirry-nofirry and Jersey and flights and that 's when they tell me about the other one that 's when they say oh by the way your best friend Andy is dead blown up in the hotel when it burned down ; probably beaten to death first head stoved in but of course you probably know all that because you did that too , did n't you ?
22 It had taken the mice a long time to explore , they had made short excited scurrying runs across the floor , then back to the hutch , nervous , unsure , limiting themselves to a small prescribed space , only later stepping out of it , extending their freedom .
23 Then back to the shop , with Lucy now taking the money from her pinafore pocket where it had been tied in her handkerchief , and paying for the corn ; to go on her way feeling quite a little woman of the world .
24 However , I shall study the issue that the hon. Gentleman has raised about the length of time it takes for the grant to get to the applicant and then back to the contractor .
25 Rex glanced down at the billfold and then back to the screen .
26 It goes seconded then back to the chair again .
27 Then back to the farmyard to untackle and fodder the horse , to strip off his own thatch of soaked sacking , and milk cows by the light of a lantern that swung from a hook in the roof and smelled sharply in contrast with the milky smell of steaming cows and the less agreeable smell of fresh dung .
28 Then back to the majlis for coffee again , and home in time for noon prayers .
29 With what seemed super-human strength and control he drew the short sword to the left , then back to the right , his intestines spilling out onto the cobbles .
30 They , they needed a , a sort of a , a set of more radical policies to , to get full mobilization and it 's out of that that the outline agrarian law comes , and then they realize the mistakes of that and there 's a , there 's a pull back to the right so it 's , it 's that kind of move to the left and then back to the right .
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