Example sentences of "then go [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Because it does mean then that that traffic er on the western side of Harrogate can get out to the western relief road as there 's no need then to go on the urban roads in Harrogate .
2 And er to avoid a collision and in fact I think they did strike but I 'm not really sure , but to avoid a collision this one then goes over the other side of the road , picks up this Ford Orion coming the over way , rolls it over the bank , and it goes underneath the tractive unit of the artic .
3 That is er saving a range from the prompt file , using extract , and then going into the other file and doing a file combine in that extracted file .
4 The best preliminary plan may be for the reader to open the book upright at ( the illustration ) and then go to the other side of the room , to be imposed on from a distance : it is the nearest the book can offer to the proper first encounter with the figure .
5 ‘ If your newspaper ca n't afford it , then go to the public reference library .
6 Then go through the sleeving procedure and , according to type of handle , apply knots to secure , but no ‘ Granny ’ knots please as you will possibly have to make adjustments later .
7 Ken would start off telling us about his week and then go into the same — what I would call bumhole jokes , always the same about the problems he had with his bum .
8 The police then went to the new home of the former lodger , entered it , and arrested her .
9 He then went to the cool cabinet at the rear of the shop , took out a can of lager and put it in his pocket .
10 He went through to his room and picked up the bag he had packed earlier , then went to the small desk in the corner and took a tiny notebook from the drawer .
11 I crossed carefully-even at low tide the sea-weeds made the stones treacherous — then went to the boat-house window and peered in .
12 in the evenings , everybody then went to the technical college here .
13 He ordered eggs Benedict and a steak sandwich for both of them , then went to the mini bar and poured an Evian water for himself and a diet Coke for Billie .
14 He then went to the special candle stand in the centre of the Grotto and lit his candle .
15 Annie rang the top bell and then went to the third floor , Susan 's flat .
16 erm There they might have remained erm but erm a sensational discovery took place , which was during the Second World War , when , in the Blitz , a bomb actually hit the , the , the place of worship for the Muddletonians , where they were still worshipping though in very small number , and the man whom we have called the last Muddletonian , who was a farmer in Matfield in Kent , went out with his lorry — you remember petrol was rationed during the war , but he was allowed as a farmer — he took his fruit to Covent Garden , and then went to the smoking ruins of the Muddletonian worship , and filled his apple boxes with papers , and they remained there until the nineteen seventies .
17 But ‘ remarkably ’ Sarbutts then went to the Daily Mirror newspaper and said he had lied .
18 While Penry went upstairs she took his tray into the study , then went into the other room with her own .
19 It will then go to the European Parliament for the second reading .
20 They will then go to the nearest telephone and receive their message from the operator .
21 After today 's hearing Miss Gregg 's solicitor Donald Worsley said he intended to make a bail application to a Judge in Chambers and if this failed he would then go to the High Court .
22 The if I can talk perhaps a little bit about the particular system that I 'm interested in , the way it works is that it well it diagnoses abdominal pain ; if you go into the erm particular casualty department — in the fact the Royal Sussex County Hospital at the moment — with back pain in your abdomen , lower abdomen , then the symptoms will be taken by a doctor and he will then go to the diagnostic computer and feed these symptoms in .
23 What I think the danger is there , from a Conservative political perspective , is that having , having , Liberals having with us if you like , got the principle through , Liberals may then go with the Labour party and say right we 've got the principle through , we 've identified four homes , let's have a refurbishment programme , a bit of airport money here , a bit of slippage there and we 'll get this through and then we 'll tackle the problem of closures and if closures is proving difficult let's ignore it for a year , let's do these four and let's go on .
24 It will probably then go round the other side of the sledge and might even go over the snow hook line .
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