Example sentences of "then go [prep] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 My best course would have been to follow the track to the village , strike the road , and then to go along the road until I met the track by which I had come from the shore .
2 Because in the four days Doyle and me were following Latowa , he and Charlie only met twice — once for about thirty seconds , probably just to say hello , and then to go to the Cambridge Hotel . ’
3 Hunter observed that ‘ … the whole viscera when all the Blood is press 'd out goes into a very little bulk , even the Liver will lose vastly of its bulk and in short the whole viscera will come into a small compass when they are well clean 'd and put into dry cloths ; you are then to go to the trunk of the Body and empty it of Blood as well as you can and press the Blood out from the Face , Hands , etc. as well as Arms , and the more Blood is pressed out the better ’ .
4 We just passed the revenue , the capital , the revenue then goes on the base budget , is called the revenue consequence of capital expenditure and all the fire officers ask for is enough to build a fire station and the cost of running it is automatically going onto your bill .
5 The pre-coated metal then goes to the end-user for pressing and shaping .
6 The copy then goes to the composing room .
7 Once a bill has received the assent of both Houses it then goes to the monarch for the Royal Assent .
8 It then goes to the Council of ( Health Ministers , which meets towards the end of each six-monthly presidency .
9 The Driver in the case of a light engine then goes to the telephone to inform the Signalman each end of the tunnel and give them all particulars and if blocking both lines .
10 The best example of that type of person is the liberal who professes to be anti-war and anti-violence and then goes to the boxing matches or watches the football game and screams his head off .
11 And then goes to the library to get the book she wants
12 The Bill then goes to the Lords .
13 The chap then goes to the manager , saying ‘ Perry has agreed to appear at our benefit concert , ’ whereupon the manager says , ‘ Sod off , slime bucket . ’
14 What then goes into the making of the case ?
15 What used to happen was that rain would fall on land and permeate through the ground to the ground water levels , but urbanisation has meant more roads , houses , car parks and the water ca n't soak through , instead it goes into drains , is treated and then goes into the sea .
16 The person then goes round the circle touching on the head those sitting and saying ‘ Was it you , was it you , was it you ? ’ until eventually says ‘ It was you ’ .
17 then going to the shop .
18 Taylor added : ‘ What is wrong with the Saturday tradition of a fan meeting his pals at the pub , then going to the game ?
19 Sort of erm working on a farm for two days then going to the college erm that , so I do it like that .
20 There is a school — the old school , you might say — that advocates the making of a court bouillon , cooling that , immersing your salmon in it , then going through the process just described .
21 It would mean a visit to his house to get his National Insurance card , and then going through the intricacies and humiliations of getting money from the State .
22 Half the English feed fast and early and then go down the pub to drink beer , the other half eat a slow meal late and drink wine before , during and after .
23 On the way back , I set down the grassbox , unplug the sprinkler and coil the hosepipe ( which Pa , being always so busy , has obviously forgotten ) in even circles around my hand and elbow , then go to the shed and lay it carefully over the two dowelling pegs .
24 I get up early in the morning and read , then go to the lectures , then read again at night .
25 If there is any inflammation then go to the vet immediately .
26 Hailsham , in an article in the Daily Express , of 3 September , called for an election , to be fought on party lines , with the aim of securing a Conservative majority for protection , The government , Hailsham said , should hurry up to complete the purpose for which it was formed , namely the balancing of the budget , and then go to the country on party lines .
27 Then go to the Council
28 I think the process that I 've just explained would allow that anyway , because what I would do , if I just go back over it again , supposing for argument 's sake by the end of February we 've agreed which one we think it 's going to be , we then I then go to the home .
29 He thinks you arrive , hit a dozen balls , go out and play , shoot a 72 , then go to the bar and have a chat .
30 I could just walk around till morning and then go to the Committee office first thing — ’
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