Example sentences of "then [v-ing] the [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 So averaging two adjacent lines , then using the averaged line twice , is an acceptable compromise .
2 I have a picture in my mind still of endless queues of captives waiting under guard to mount the steps of the Aztec temples where the priests of Huitzilopochtli stood waiting with obsidian stone knives , hands and faces black with caked blood , their robes stiff with it , as they worked industriously to open up each human chest , extract the still-palpitating heart , offering it to their filthy god , then tossing the torn-open body back down the steps to the waiting warriors below , who hacked it into joints for the ritual cannibalism that ensured both the pleasures of the flesh and added prowess from the absorption of the captive joint into their own live bodies .
3 In the economic field , as early as 1858 , Geikie was able to show the main outcrops of oil-shale in West Lothian to James Young who was then founding the oil-shale industry in the area .
4 Changing the Paper or Ink colours is done by pressing the required option on the menu until the word appears in the status window , then pressing the required colour .
5 Let us test the combinatory possibilities of adjectives with indefinite pronouns and other similar words , first taking at random phrases composed of an adjective and some specific noun , and then replacing the specific noun in each case by some noun or pronoun with an indefinite meaning .
6 ‘ Funeral 's tomorrow , ’ McDunn says , flicking ash and then inspecting the glowing end of his cigarette .
7 Here is conscientious Boris Nikolayevich , completing his graduate dissertation in one month rather than the usual five and then refusing the automatic promotion for which this would normally have qualified him , resolving instead to spend a year laying bricks , mixing concrete and becoming one of the boys .
8 With those I returned at speed to the boathouse and attacked the lower door , first hammering the toe of the tyre lever into a nonexistent crack between the wooden door frame and the surrounding brickwork at a level just below the keyhole , then bashing the far end of that iron , to put heavy leverage against the door frame , then wrenching out the lever and repeating the whole process above the lock , this time with fury .
9 Then pushing the older man from him , he sat forward in the chair .
10 Jotan met Alexei 's eyes in a moment of mutual sympathy and understanding , and then ignoring the obvious disapproval of their respective partners they buried their faces in their hands and wept in helpless mirth .
11 At one time , when I was touring in the theatre , I can remember simply having tea for breakfast and then going the whole day with nothing , then a tiny snack in the evening .
12 But then going the direct way to get to Beckenham , it 's only Bromley that holds you up .
13 There is no point in setting out your case and then sending the only copy to the opposition .
14 The research is aimed at identifying middle class fractions in three case study areas ( Gower , Stroud and rural Berkshire ) , and then evaluating the differential impact of these fractions on their local economies .
15 He hoped to achieve this by superimposing these mental activities upon the simple reaction time , SRT , and then subtracting the known value of the SRT from the total reaction time to give the duration of this mental activity .
16 Holding a length of silk in its beak , it then pierces a hole in the leaf and pushes the silk through it , tying a little knot in the end to prevent the thread from slipping back through the hole and then doing the same thing on the other side so that the two leaf surfaces are secured to one another .
17 Many National Savings instruments pay tax free interest as this is more sensible than the government paying a higher gross rate of interest and then having the administrative cost of collecting the tax on those interest payments .
18 This process can be assisted by trying to change the positions of the light source and the surface on which the shadow falls and then observing the changed pattern .
19 Given the existence of an aggregate production function of the form , an expression for the logarithm of output can be obtained by substituting equation ( 5.29 ) into equation ( 5.28 ) and then substituting the resulting equation into the production function .
20 She could remember someone or something smashing the back of her head , and then taking the high dive into ice-cream country .
21 The Californians acknowledge that a fleet of several hundred large NOx-belching aircraft been needed , and even then choosing the right part of the Antarctic vortex system to ensure mixing would be crucial .
22 What was the use , Colonel Richardson asked himself , what was the use of being such a splendid rector 's wife all these years , and then chucking the whole lot out of the window , for a pig-headed whim ?
23 In established unionized firms , provided there are no exogenous shocks shifting equilibrium wages and membership below the critical level , then outlawing the closed shop will not eliminate the union nor reduce wages to the competitive level .
24 pressing PF1/ while in the scrolled area and then entering the required number at the prompt Data item no .
25 pressing PF1/ while in the scrolled area and then entering the required number at the prompt Which field .
26 ‘ It 's generating the right kind of timbers , and then making the right kind of products from it . ’
27 The gardener bowerbird , for example , constructs the most remarkably complicated , hut-like bower , while the golden bowerbird builds a maypole bower up to 3 m ( 10 ft ) high , gluing the sticks together with fungus and then decorating the whole structure with fruit , flowers and moss .
28 And — most amazingly — even the seeds of the insectivorous pitcher plant — which traps its prey in pools of chemically laced water on leaves sporting a glissading escarpment of downward-pointing hairs and narcotic-laced nectar — even the tiny seeds of this plant trap prey by means of slime and poison , then digesting the surrounding mulch of decaying creatures as they germinate , forming into seedlings and plants .
29 If you are trying to save for some future expenditure , be it retirement , school fees or just that new car or holiday that would be so nice , then finding the right plan matters .
30 It means keeping it , getting it wide and then putting the right ball in .
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