Example sentences of "then [vb base] and [vb base] a " in BNC.

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1 Hold for 1 second in that extreme position , then push and stretch a little further for a count of 25 .
2 Most of the birds that parasitise their own species lay one or more eggs in the nests of other birds , and then lay and rear a separate clutch themselves .
3 The idea is that people band together to buy property , then design and build a cluster of single-family homes .
4 Yeah , and then go and put a in the paper .
5 Eat three good meals a day , give it the big lips at night and then go and eat a Chinese or fish and chips . ’
6 They do , and that 's what they , I mean , but they could also wait until he went round that corner and then go and burgle a house .
7 During local soaring , select good-looking fields , and then go and have a look at them after the flight to see what they are really like .
8 Hang your coat up and then go and have a lie down .
9 Well then go and hug a tree .
10 sort of read through a bit about it and then when you 've read it , put the book away and leave it for half an hour or an hour or something and then try and draw a rough outline of some of the main points .
11 But I would very much , with the land owners , like to go down there and see and , and then try and negotiate a possibility for right of way across
12 From easy access baths to level access showers for wheelchairs , our local home adviser will visit you and discuss your requirements , without obligation , then plan and design a bathroom that best suits your individual needs .
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