Example sentences of "then [vb past] to a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 From this , the idea was derived of ‘ patchwork pieces ’ , which then led to a demand for specific colours in the bags , ’ ‘ and suddenly we realized we had created a bit of a monster . ’
2 He then referred to a passage from the judgment of Nolan J. in Anderton v. Lythgoe [ 1985 ] 1 W.L.R. 222 , 228 , including the words which I have earlier cited .
3 He then moved to a succession of short-term jobs until in 1934 he joined some friends in establishing a garage near Basingstoke , specializing in veteran and vintage cars .
4 At the southern end of the valley where the sky was brighter , a horseman now appeared , his dark mount reined in , its head pulling to one side as it slowed then came to a halt .
5 He led her down a row , then came to a halt .
6 Matters then came to a head and after dropping her baby the mother was distraught about what she had done to her child .
7 The elevator rose smoothly , then came to a stop .
8 The 6 A.M. Glasgow to Garvie train approached platform 8 gently , apologetically almost , then came to a stop with a squealing of brakes and a hiss of escaping steam , and they looked at it with wide-eyed wonder .
9 I sauntered along attractively named Wine Street , then came to a bridge over the rushing River Garavogue .
10 We then came to a stream and followed this to the little village of Le Buet , returning to Chamonix by train .
11 It then graduated to a plastic tank complete with gravel and plastic plants .
12 Her heart plummeted with the thought that he would be away again , and then hitched to a halt when his words registered .
13 They proclaimed their achievement on Nkrumah 's behalf : and then succumbed to a counter-attack .
14 We went out for a lunch that was late even by Madrid standards , then went to a zarzueia .
15 Fabia watched as , dropping the dog lead on to a large kitchen table , the dark man addressed a few remarks to the woman who then went to a drawer and took from it a large tin box and brought it to him .
16 We then went to a summer school in general relativity at Cornell University in upstate New York .
17 Anyway , we went out to dinner and then went to a speakeasy .
18 She stared at Juliet for a second , then struggled to a sitting position .
19 Tony pulled the lever and the wheel slowed , then jolted to a halt .
20 I did one short sprint , just to shake my head as I ran and get some of the sand out of my hair , then relaxed to a trot once more .
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