Example sentences of "then [vb past] [to-vb] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 February 1945 , and Stalin then agreed to allow free elections in Poland so that the London Poles would have a chance to form a new Polish government , but that agreement was never implemented .
2 Individual families then met to identify specific issues , and joined in a group discussion on common experiences to develop problem-solving techniques .
3 They then sought to recover this sum and costs from Mr. Mahmoud under the covenant for indemnity contained in the assignment of 8 January 1986 .
4 He then sought to reconcile this proposition with the fact that the defendants were also agents for Mr. Brant and it was in the course of that agency , not whilst acting as agents for the plaintiff , that the defendants had learned that Mr. Perot was interested in buying Vertigo .
5 now , then got to chop these nuts up now
6 He hung it back in its place , then knelt to put screwed-up newspaper and kindling in the grate .
7 She handed him his dressing gown and then knelt to add some coal on the fire .
8 In one case , in which three different cuckoos parasitised the nest of a great reed warbler , one chick was thrown out soon after hatching : the other two then tried to eject each other for four days .
9 At first I observed , then began to take some lessons .
10 After Cromwell , new squires , successful tradesmen , farmers and impoverished Cavaliers who had made good marriages then began to build new houses .
11 That threat of invasion was , however , removed , in 1805 , by the great naval victory at Trafalgar , in which Horatio Nelson destroyed the French fleet at the cost of his own life , This was followed by General Arthur Wellesley — who later became the Duke of Wellington — leading British troops into the Spanish Peninsula against Napoleon , who then began to experience considerable defeats , not the least of which was his retreat from Moscow in the winter of 1812 , and the following year saw the Duke of Wellington taking the war into France culminating in the Battle of Waterloo in 1815 , which brought about the final defeat of Napoleon .
12 Having tried and failed to control spending the government then decided to control local revenue .
13 Quigley twitched , then decided to ignore this remark .
14 There was not much evidence of regret among the writers who then decided to rewrite democratic theory in order to incorporate the central elitist proposition .
15 Gabriel Oak was a sensible man of good character , who had been brought up by his father as a shepherd , and then managed to save enough money to rent his own farm on Norcombe Hill , in Dorset .
16 They say that Blind Willie Johnson also learned slide from somebody else , someone who was too early on the scene to be recorded , and God knows who he learned it from , because nobody back then thought to ask those kind of questions .
17 Rich pictures were used to express the findings from the interviews , then combined to form global pictures showing the situation as a whole .
18 Johansen then proceeded to form another coalition with Inuit Ataqatigiit , and a six-member Cabinet was sworn in on April 5 .
19 The court then proceeded to discuss two groups of authorities .
20 3 Having estimated the security betas , they then proceeded to construct 10 portfolios in various risk classes ranging from the highest with a value of 1.56 to the lowest with 0.5 .
21 We then proceeded to have straight sex without using a condom .
22 At the same time , there is a tendency for the new technologies and work routines to short-circuit the subtle relays through which journalists traditionally learned their craft and then struggled to retain some control over the final product .
23 Of course , if all had been there the second day the justices could well , and should in my judgment , have invited them to consider the intention that they then had to substitute prohibited steps orders for the sought after care order .
24 She then had to visit two hairdressers to get independent reports — and both said that whoever had permed her hair was incompetent .
25 On one , never to be forgotten occasion , I went to Stonehenge , had a puncture after only a mile on the way back and then had to walk nine miles home .
26 The large pits sunk then continued to attract substantial investment through the 1970s ( North and Spooner , 1982 ) , by which time plans were well advanced to exploit the even deeper deposits further east ( notably in the Selby area just south of the city of York and in the Vale of Belvoir northwest of Grantham ) , as well as further south in the Coventry area of Warwickshire and in Oxfordshire .
27 That procedure became operative so effectively that I think the management subsequently realized that unless they had shop stewards who were capable of discussing the matter intently you know , and objectively , then they were on a loser , because they then stood to lose more productivity than hitherto .
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