Example sentences of "then [noun sg] [prep] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 If the changes in connectivity which form the memory are localized to a particular small set of cells and their connections within the brain , rather than being widely diffused , then removal of the set of cells should also remove the memory — or prevent it from being formed .
2 If parties remain in dispute as to whether the risk exists , then settlement of the action is , in our opinion , impossible .
3 Suddenly , the crew noticed three humps breaking the surface of the water , and then part of a head draped with a growth that looked like seaweed .
4 In 1152 , Henry Plantagenet ( later Henry II ) became duke of Aquitaine , then part of the comté of Poitou , and as such recognized his vassalic status towards Louis VII of France .
5 Four months later , Mr Mellor , then part of the Government 's Treasury team , wrote expressing his concern at the amount he still owed .
6 In all cases it is not a matter of tearing them down ( at least not at the time of the communication ) but of making then part of the communication .
7 If there is any more pronounced preference in Japan for the long-term view , then part of the reason is surely connected to the expectation that managers are less likely to be rejected on the basis of short-term dividend performance .
8 A former priest , he hit the headlines as secretary and then chairman of the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament .
9 In many areas , it took the full weight of Paisley 's authority , exercised either directly or through loyal supporters such as Gordon Cooke , then chairman of the North Antrim branch , to persuade the Protestant Unionists to dissolve in favour of the new organization .
10 Massingberd-Mundy , then chairman of the panel and a local steward since 1970 , claimed the stewards ' secretary , Major Peter Steveney , threatened to report him to the Jockey Club if he stuck to his personal view that both horses should be disqualified .
11 The Acting Librarian Mr I. D. McGowan read a message dictated by Professor Roberts to be read on this occasion , and Mr M. F. Strachan , then Chairman of the Board of Trustecs , gave a moving address , before inviting guests ‘ to meet , talk and refresh ourselves as Denis wished ’ .
12 As John Payne was then chairman of the East India Company and his brother Edward a director of the Bank of England , Smith & Payne , almost from its commencement , was a prestigious house that could attract the correspondence of other country banks and desirable town and country business .
13 Chamberlain was broadly sympathetic to the town planning and garden city movements , and his committee included G.L. Pepler , town planner from the Ministry of Health , and Capt. R.L. Reiss , then Chairman of the Garden Cities and Town Planning Association .
14 Massingberd-Mundy complained to Lord Vestey , then chairman of the Club 's disciplinary committee , about Steveney 's remark .
15 Should this be realised , then assessment on the course may have to be more rigorous .
16 Meanwhile , in the Office of Works he was in 1727 appropriately appointed to the new post of clerk of the works at the White Lodge , doubtless through the influence of Herbert ; while in 1734 he was made master carpenter to the Board of Ordnance , a lucrative preferment which he undoubtedly owed to John Campbell , second Duke of Argyll [ q.v. ] , who was then master-general of the Ordnance .
17 If later words in the sentence suggested a different categorisation of the main verb , then re-interpretation of the sentence was possible with re-allocation of the case roles .
18 The same filter underwent successive hybridization with the SE162 and srRNA probes ( Figure 4A ) , prior to dehybridization then rehybridization with the cytochrome b probe alone ( Figure 4B ) .
19 Mr. Gordon came back to Salisbury upon retirement , was Councillor for St. Martin 's Ward , then Mayor of the City and did a grand job in cataloguing the City 's Archives .
20 Then wheel in the prisoner .
21 By 1908 Wilson noted that the 1,000 or so Chinese seamen shipped at United Kingdom ports in 1905 had increased by 1907 to 5,000 and a deputation of 40 seamen was organised to wait upon Winston Churchill , then President of the Board of Trade .
22 One is Lord Brounker , then President of the Society .
23 It had a preface by Herbert ( later first Viscount ) Samuel [ q.v. ] , then president of the Local Government Board , and made a considerable impact .
24 Then space–time outside the parent body as it collapses to a point is described by the Schwarzschild metric : this region includes all space–time outside the horizon and all spacetime down to the surface of the parent body inside the horizon .
25 Under Labour , the best example is Denis Healey who was Secretary of State for Defence from 1964 to 1970 and then Chancellor of the Exchequer from 1974 to 1979 .
26 As he was about to leave , Sir Geoffrey Howe , then Chancellor of the Exchequer , launched into his paper on the plan to abolish exchange controls .
27 At an OEEC Council meeting , Harold Macmillan , then Chancellor of the Exchequer , is reputed to have said that he had become aware of some archaeological excavations at Messina about which he expected to hear no more .
28 According to Rab Butler , then Chancellor of the Exchequer , Churchill
29 Colds descend and produce hoarseness then rawness of the trachea , then to the chest with suffocation and a great accumulation of mucus but there is an expulsive power to the cough ( unlike in Antimonium tartaricum ) .
30 Then type in a name for your graph — using eight characters or less — and it will be saved when you press Enter .
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