Example sentences of "then [be] [verb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 After lunch , AEs are given a sales motivational talk , then are whisked onto the dealing floor .
2 All the individual fund borrowing requirements are collected and then are matched with the optimal portfolio ( mixing long- and short-term debt , as well as mixing debt and equity holdings ) .
3 The question having then been repeated to the same lack of response , the Lord Mayor rose to speak .
4 One or more drops of blood must have fallen or been spilt from the weapon before Harry fell and had then been smeared along the carpet as the body was dragged against the wall .
5 A presidential decree of Jan. 24 established the Russian Federation Ministry of Security ( RFMS ) , on the basis of the Russian Federal Security Agency [ see pp. 38654 ; 38731 ] and the Inter-Republican Security Service , which had been the successor to the USSR KGB [ see p. 38654 ] and had then been incorporated into the Russian Ministry of Security and Internal Affairs , abolished in January as being unconstitutional [ see p. 38731 ] .
6 The third-ranking member of the CPV politburo , he had served as acting Premier for a few months in 1988 following the death of Pham Hung , but had then been dislodged from the post by the more conservative Do Muoi .
7 Instead , the number of synonyms has been calculated , but they have then been ignored by the mathematics , and so have not interfered with the ‘ storage ’ of other records .
8 A mountainous enclave of about 4,400 square kilometres , Nagorno-Karabakh had originally been assigned to Armenia but had then been transferred to the jurisdiction of its traditionally Muslim neighbour .
9 For the appellant Mr. Lester submits that it should now be appropriate for the courts to look at Hansard in order to ascertain the intention of the legislators as expressed in the proceedings on the Bill which has then been enacted in the statutory words requiring to be construed .
10 He had then been dragged behind the vehicle and held down while the man who had been sitting beside him during the journey drove the car over his legs .
11 He told me that he had fallen into the water with Compeyson , and then been hit by the ship .
12 Chiesa said he had then been rewarded with the directorship of the Pio Albergo Trivulzio old people 's home .
13 If you miss a meeting , or a crucial decision within one , it is very difficult to have anything reversed afterwards , as it has then been approved by the consensus and therefore stands .
14 He had then been returned to the dull monotony of rural country life in his native Gloucestershire .
15 Many of the Brigades ' victims have then been arrested by the security forces .
16 Increasingly it has been recognized that there is a need to focus explicitly on the nature and form that child abuse or child protection interventions take in everyday practice , and in the process to try and identify models of good practice which can then be developed in the future .
17 This will then be perceived in the previous period , and so the threat of minimax punishment will not be credible .
18 These grammars can then be applied to the coded corpus , with the intention of identifying the premodifiers , kernel and postmodifiers of each definition .
19 The purpose of this approach is to give students the opportunity of developing a range of mathematical skills and strategies which can then be applied in the formal investigation .
20 It can be hung over the side of a boat and the tape can then be played to the whales . ’
21 Having sunk , it would then be insulated from the Sun 's warming rays by the liquid water above it .
22 The expansion and free volume can then be characterized by the ratio of the thermal energy arising from the external degrees of freedom available to the component , U thermal , and the interaction energy between neighbouring non-bonded segments , U cohesive which will oppose the thermal energy effects , i.e. where Ε * is the characteristic cohesive energy per contact .
23 This can stimulate the worm to come to the surface when it is dark and they can then be collected with the aid of a flashlight , providing one is eagle-eyed .
24 Like a sea-anemone it will close down to a blob if touched , and it feeds on small organisms which brush past its tentacles , by shooting out special poisonous threads to paralyse its victim , which can then be collected by the tentacles and drawn into the hydra 's mouth .
25 There the caterpillar first cuts all the leaf veins leading back to the main stalk before settling in for a dinner which it hopes can not then be communicated to the neighbouring leaves .
26 Literary art could then be presented as the only means of determining the properly national cultural qualities within a divided society ; a literacy which was the province of the poet rather than the stated ruling class or group .
27 The information can then be presented to the manager who now has the opportunity to make good or at least better decisions because the information on which the decisions are based will be of a better quality and more timely .
28 You will then be presented with the appropriate working screen .
29 The Lower Exchequer , also called the Exchequer of Receipt — misleadingly so , since it paid money out as well — took in revenue from royal collectors and handed over receipts in the form of tallies , which could then be presented in the Upper Exchequer at the audit .
30 Holes could then be cut in the structure to receive skylights , doors , and windows .
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