Example sentences of "then [verb] to [noun prp] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 It then passed to Robert of Mortain , followed by Reginald de Valletort and Edric .
2 Cars and drivers were then flown to India for the trip between Delhi and Bombay , followed by another airlift from Bombay to Perth and finally , an eight day race to the finish in Sydney .
3 The ‘ Fury and the Spitfire has been to an airshow the previous day at Yeovilton , they had then flown to Humberside for another airshow and were on their way home .
4 The judge then referred to Watt v. Rama and continued , at p. 434 :
5 In August 1920 , almost by chance , he was attached for a year to the small peacetime signal intelligence organization in London , and was then posted to Simla in India , where for eight years he performed cipher-breaking duties with remarkable success .
6 He then moved to London in 1872 , joining John Penn & Sons , a leading marine-engine builder , as a draughtsman .
7 He then moved to Windsor as chaplain to Colonel Whichcote , governor of Windsor Castle .
8 He then moved to Swindon on September 28 , 1990 .
9 He then moved to Westminster as a consulting engineer and became engaged in the survey , design , and construction of many large schemes for canals , railways , docks , and harbours , including those at Port Talbot , Ipswich , Penzance , and Neath .
10 The operation was carried out at the National Heart the next day , with the odds improving and I was then transferred to Harefield for five weeks .
11 Since 1967 the children have travelled to Boynton school three miles away , then transferred to Bridlington for secondary education .
12 Tom joined the AEA police at Sellafield in 1969 and then transferred to Chapelcross in 1974 , where he completed 18 years service .
13 A Turkish possession until the end of World War One , it was then granted to Italy as part of war reparations .
14 They were now part of the 3rd Division ( composed of the 8th , 9th and 185th infantry Brigades ) , returned to Scotland for more training in amphibious landings , and then moved to Petworth in April 1944 .
15 The South India Railway was to be built as far as Ramaswaram and then connected to Ceylon by embankments and bridges .
16 Gloria stared , her mouth agape , then turned to Ruth in bewilderment .
17 ‘ Dave , shut up , ’ Laidlaw snapped then turned to Graham beside him .
18 He then drove to Namur in Belgium , where he changed cab units after a breakdown .
19 As is so often the case in Paisley 's career , the crucial step was taken by someone other than Paisley and then offered to Paisley as an opportunity the possibilities of which he could appreciate .
20 Finally , Citalia has devised a holiday in which you spend seven nights in the ancient city of Rome then drive to Ovindoli in Abruzzo , ideally placed to explore the spectacular landscape of the Abruzzo National Park .
21 It 's claimed the pair then escaped to Streetshome at Lexton House in Middleton Cheney , but both were found out two days later when they attempted to buy antiques and jewellery with used notes which had been marked .
22 Frank can then return to Leeds with a World Cup beneah his belt and settle down to getting a place .
23 Servicing of steam locomotive No. 90 was carried out at the Severn Valley Railway Works at Bridgenorth where a complete new firebox and boiler was made and then shipped to Galway for installation .
24 They were then shipped to Dublin after the war and , in accordance with Leon 's wishes , went to the National Library where they remained closed until last year , 50 years after Joyce died , aged 59 .
25 Following the decision , Lord Carrington , chair of the EC peace conference , met the Presidents of Slovenia and Croatia , Milan Kucan and Franjo Tudjman , at Graz in Austria on Dec. 18 , and then flew to Belgrade for talks with Serbian leaders .
26 He was due to meet de Gaulle on the 15th at Rambouillet in an attempt to soften the General 's opposition to Britain 's entry into the EEC ; and then to fly to Nassau on the 18th to meet President Kennedy for wide-ranging talks , including East-West relations , the backwash of the Cuban missile crisis , improvement of India 's defences against China , the Congo Civil War , and , most important of all , the proposed Nuclear Test Ban Treaty .
27 ‘ That has been the only topic of conversation throughout the county lately , ’ adds Chivers , ‘ We beat them last year at Casement Park , then fell to Donegal in the final .
28 He and Buccleuch then went to Hector of Hardlaw 's house and burned it to the ground .
29 Nijinsky then went to Longchamp as a hot favourite for the Prix de l'Arc de Triomphe , but there , under a less-than-brilliant ride from Piggott , he tasted defeat for the first time , beaten a head by Sassafras .
30 He travelled widely throughout the Balkans , then went to Vienna in 1771 , where he was employed as a language teacher .
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