Example sentences of "then [verb] the [noun pl] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Mr McNally then asked the police officer a series of questions .
2 Well one way you can do it , is press the ratings button on your calculator , press fifteen divide by seven and then press the ratings button , so , just do that , change it on the ratings one , yeah , press fifteen divide by seven , in .
3 Everyone was then seeking the monarchs presence .
4 The second floor could then become the bedrooms level .
5 Condition the hardboard by brushing its rough face with water — about one litre for a 2400 × 1200mm ( 8 × 4ft ) sheet — then stack the sheets back to back flat on the floor for 48 hours .
6 Erm told me that they had a lot of or a lot a number of people ringing purporting to be someone asking for information , and they like to keep a log of these bogus phone calls , I then rang the patients mother and and told her what had happened as quickly as I could .
7 Three partygoers then stormed the police car in an attempt to free Willis and the other man .
8 He then took the pigeons south , and placed a drop of olive oil on the bills of half of them , and a drop of turpentine on the bills of the other half .
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