Example sentences of "then [verb] [prep] [art] large " in BNC.

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1 Thus it seems likely that the winter population and a substantial passage in February and March are largely composed of stellata ; passage of this species continues through April and May , and is then joined by a large movement of arctica ; immer is always a scarce species .
2 The cockpit is then propelled by a large rocket and almost immediately stabilised by a small drogue , or parachute , which then pulls out the main chute , said Mr Brian Miller , of Martin Baker , the leading name in ejection seat invention and manufacture .
3 The products are then co-condensed with a large excess ( typically a thousand-fold ) of the inert matrix material .
4 The contents are then sucked into a large tank on a trailer , which is taken to a local refuse treatment works , where it is emptied and thoroughly cleaned .
5 Trim spare ribs of any excess fat , then place in a large roasting tin .
6 Mix all of the chopped fruit together and add the grapes , then place in a large , shallow dish .
7 Spoon in the remaining fruit then top with the large bread circle .
8 The key word then features in a large illustration for the child to colour in .
9 They are then moved to a large pit , usually close to the spawning site , where they take a further 6–7 days to become free-swimming .
10 His practical education was evidently gained working in his father 's business and soon after he came of age he was taken into partnership , the firm then moving to the larger settlement of Corbridge .
11 Immediately afterwards the artist Paolo De Poli , with the help of pupils from the Selvatico high school , began collecting the fragments some only two or three inches across which were then stored in a large number of boxes .
12 Until recently , the Loaches usually appeared at morning feeding time and then disappeared into a large bogwood cave , which has several exits and entrances , reappearing after lights out and sometimes during the evening .
13 She watched him for several moments , then looked about the large dining-room , trying to fathom the reason for his actions .
14 These higher standards were then generalised throughout the larger area .
15 If none of these options are open to you , then shopping at a large supermarket is probably the best solution .
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