Example sentences of "then [verb] [noun sg] to [noun] " in BNC.

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1 He then became assistant to George Hughes , chief of the testing department , whom he later succeeded .
2 Somewhere you can rent a villa in a resort , then say goodbye to tourists and go exploring ( forget all small Mediterranean islands ) , staying at interesting , but inexpensive , old hotels ( delete Italy ) .
3 To get to Benghazi , the convoy had to travel from Kabrit into Cairo and then head south to El Kharga and Kufra .
4 Leave the road at the path on the right around 900 yards past the cattle grid and carry on to Alderford and then head west to Rockford .
5 The first allows political realities to be brought about by defining them in the mind first and then applying perception to reality ; the second leads to the belief in supra-personal historical processes , Hegelian determinism and Marx .
6 At Piteŝti the road turned left amid a forest of oil installations and then cut south-west to Craiova 120 kilometres further on .
7 They then drove north to Alexandria for a final briefing at Eighth Army Headquarters , with the Germans only forty miles away .
8 Occasionally the fungus can ensconce itself in the terminal portion of the urethra , and it may then give rise to symptoms similar to those found in non-specific urethritis .
9 Martinho and I were separated , then put back to back at about twenty metres , very much like pistol duellists from the old time .
10 Cajolings then give way to threats and threats to the big stick until , undernourished and overloaded , their faith sinks to the ground and expires .
11 Firstly , merit pay ; if it is the case that money is not the most important motivator then linking pay to performance , as with merit pay , is not likely to improve performance .
12 Some men were particularly successful in Black Africa , and might return direct to Kufra with slaves , spices , even gold , which they then forwarded north to Alexandria for export , they alleged , ‘ to Istanbul ’ .
13 We had n't gone very far when we met up with another Lancaster returning from a Cook 's Tour , and to my horror the two aircraft then flew wing-tip to wing-tip all the way home .
14 ‘ Some of you thought I could n't do it , ’ chuckled Pipe , who then gave credit to Dickinson for the role he played in Granville Again 's timely revival .
15 Tens of thousands of Haitians responded to news of the coup attempt by taking to the streets where , armed with machetes and clubs , they paralysed the capital by building and then setting fire to barricades .
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