Example sentences of "then [verb] [prep] a new " in BNC.

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1 The enlarged opaque panel thus formed below each of these ‘ paired lancet ’ windows was then perforated with a new opening containing a steel-framed French window to admit light to each living-room of the outer ranges of ground floor rooms ( Plate 27 ) .
2 This information was then transferred to a new map using Briggs ' Key to give an impression of where the second zone might possibly be ( fig 4 ) .
3 Amniocentesis was then done with a new needle .
4 This then results in a new set of relationships with the family of the potential partner .
5 It can be manipulated in the imagination and then used as a new model with which to compare other structures .
6 A further increase in b gives a return to a symmetric pair of periodic solutions that undergo period doubling into chaos , which then leads into a new periodic solution .
7 Not designed to last , they get made , released , then replaced by a new gimmick a year later .
8 In fact , I took three — I figured this would give me some insurance — then retired to a new seat to watch the board .
9 They flew about inside her like magpies in an orchard , then settled in a new pattern .
10 However , if it encounters unc first , then there is a chance unc of transmission and , since the transmitted photon is then polarised in a new direction ( perpendicular to the optical axis of P , ) there is a further chance unc that it could subsequently be transmitted by P , .
11 It will then switch to a new design , which is yet to be decided .
12 Derive expressions for the torque needed to hold 0 constant under the following conditions : ( i ) when the plates are connected to a source of constant voltage V ; ( ii ) after the plates have been rotated to their position of maximum capacitance , charged to voltage V , disconnected from the supply and then rotated to a new position .
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