Example sentences of "then [verb] they [adv] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 At the meeting , it was decided that County , the underwriters Dillon Read and Phillips & Drew would take some of the remaining shares and then sell them slowly over the next few weeks , a move which had been discussed with County 's lawyers beforehand .
2 Return to the bad old ways , elect separately a Chamber and a Senate , then bring them together at Versailles in a National Assembly which would or would not modify the Constitution of 1875 .
3 The Health Education Authority advises parents to introduce fruit juices as late as possible and then to dilute them heavily with water .
4 They then ferry them away to different waters in tanks in the back of transit vans .
5 We then drove them closer to town , where one of our men was readying the piles of clothes .
6 It 's pointless to take notes and then put them away until exam revision .
7 He rubbed them with a paper napkin and then put them away in his jacket because they seemed ugly in front of this pretty girl .
8 We would search for the defined pieces and then put them together in the proper order as suggested in the drawing .
9 Drain thoroughly and then slice them thinly on the diagonal .
10 It is part of the training in magical traditions that participants learn to take up roles and then drop them again after the working session is over .
11 It could be something like this : Another exercise of this kind is to study a picture and to write statements of what is in the picture and then link them together in a paragraph .
12 Assuming that the seller can then re-sell them elsewhere for the same price as the buyer had agreed to pay , the seller will suffer no loss .
13 A further revolution that has not yet taken hold widely in Japan is that of networking personal computers and word processors , and one American working for a large Japanese company in Tokyo complained to Reuter of hours spent every day hunting down paper documents written on dedicated word processors and then stuffing them laboriously into facsimile machines — when an efficient personal computer network could save all the effort .
14 Whether we call some individuals Ranters , others Levellers , Diggers , Muggletonians , early Quakers and so forth and then present them either as a type of ‘ lunatic fringe ’ to mainstream developments or , as Hill eloquently puts it in his The World Turned Upside Down : ‘ the attempts of various groups of the common people to impose their own solutions to the problems of their time , in opposition to the wishes of their betters who had called them into political action ’ is a matter of current political alignment and represents the way we wish to intervene in the present as in the past .
15 The graphemes themselves are individual letters or small groups of letters such as " b " , " ou " , and " ght " , and when we can identify these graphemes and then pronounce them together as the sound represented by /bo:t/ ( which rhymes with " port " ) , we can be said to have used the GPC rules .
16 and then took them home with him .
17 We had the Astounding Reg Atkins who can juggle 12 empty bottles and then toss them accurately into a bottle bank from a distance of 30 feet so that the green , brown and clear bottles go into the correct holes .
18 Then take them again after 28 days — and see the difference !
19 She parted her lips to tell him about Dana , then closed them again as a desperate plea from her twin made itself known as clearly as if Dana had been in the same room .
20 They tend to admire people for how they hold themselves and what they say and then blame them more for being found out than for what they do .
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