Example sentences of "then [verb] the [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Next is a visit to the miniature village of Madurodam and then to see the picturesque harbour at Scheveningen .
2 So averaging two adjacent lines , then using the averaged line twice , is an acceptable compromise .
3 He was encouraged to assume this double burden by Arthur Ponsonby , the younger brother of Fritz , who after nine years in the Diplomatic Service had resigned to sit in the Commons as a Liberal ; finding his colleagues inadequately radical , Ponsonby had then joined the Labour Party and in January 1924 was installed at the Prime Minister 's elbow as Parliamentary Under-Secretary for Foreign Affairs .
4 So suppose that the result of the stress caused by shocking an animal in this way is the production of some hormone — for instance a peptide — which then produces the freezing behaviour .
5 I then checked the green box on the right-hand side of page 8 ( Help For The Hopeless ) .
6 I 'd then build the whole system , test it , then ship it out to them , and what happens ?
7 After releasing , slow right down , retrim the glider , and then raise the main wheel .
8 She carefully packed her case again , then scanned the tidy bedroom and bathroom with some satisfaction .
9 He corrected , then scanned the empty sea ahead of him .
10 The machine correlates the reports of all the agents and then relays the next set of instructions .
11 I had not then heard the famous phrase .
12 She drew in a great sharp breath which shook her shoulders , then wiped the old man 's chin with a cloth .
13 The comedians then became the classic movie showmen of these early years .
14 A UK company was incorporated , which then became the holding company of a company set up to run the Dutch business .
15 Kept in training as a four-year-old , Pebbles won the Trusthouse Forte Mile at Sandown Park , was second in the Prince of Wales 's Stakes at Royal Ascot , and then became the first filly ever to win the Eclipse , beating subsequent Arc winner Rainbow Quest by two lengths .
16 In A.D. 325 the Emperor himself professed Christianity , which then became the official religion of the Roman Empire .
17 After five years , the initially reluctant southern states joined what then became the German Empire .
18 He then became the resident guitarist at ECM and therefore has played guitar for everyone in the modern movement : for example , Paul Bley , Mike Gibbs , Eberhard Weber , Paul Motian and Jan Gabarek .
19 The information is mostly of concern to the crew in the pilot 's cabin , who will then make the necessary course , altitude and speed corrections , and note items of equipment which may need a maintenance check , once the aircraft has reached its destination .
20 King Charles , not to be outdone , then made the abandoned wife a duchess , the title to die with her .
21 Almost twenty years alter the incident Coleridge was persuaded by Byron to publish the poem , and he then made the sensational claim that he had been able to remember 200 to 300 lines of perfect poetry when he had awoken from a drug-induced sleep , and was busy writing them down when he was interrupted by someone from Porlock demanding to see him on business .
22 Having answered this part of the questionnaire , the informants were then given the next paragraph of the story : The informants were then asked whether this explained the mismatch of the previous paragraph .
23 This then constitutes the physical interpretation of a geodesic in curved space–time , namely the path of a body in free fall .
24 The Building Control Officer then recommended the local council should grant a relaxation .
25 Then connect the new socket to the spur cable
26 Brook then asked the same volunteer to read again , but to stop after each name .
27 Mr. Kenealy then asked the medical officer a number of specific questions about Miss Price 's work .
28 used a sample of elderly resident in the community , identified those who required help with adl activities and then asked the older person to identify his or her ‘ main helper ’ .
29 The bird might then learn that a certain movement of its bill in relation to a milk bottle results in a meal ; and if the bird was then to perform the same activity on an unopened bottle it might break through the top for itself .
30 Such portraits were far removed , in appearance and in the moral authority they were intended to convey , from contemporary images of the Macedonian kings who then ruled the Hellenistic world : royal portraits suggested the physical attractions and hopes of youth .
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