Example sentences of "him at [art] [adj] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 I had discussed the problems of insider analysis with him at a 1988 Police Conference , where he described how , on return to his force after his undergraduate degree , he had asked for permission to publish research material .
2 Nine others are appearing with him at the commital proceedings .
3 Nine others are appearing with him at the commital proceedings .
4 ‘ Give me time , ’ and she looked away from him at the distant hills .
5 All this time Marcus was standing , now more upright , looking about him at the various speakers , with an interested air .
6 The interviewer , who should have kept her mouth shut , interrupted to ask whether or not Hyacinth had been with him at the Young Conservatives ' Ball .
7 Noah 's knowledge of the law applicable to gipsies surprised Arnold Peck , but now he glanced about him at the listening gipsies .
8 She returned his kiss , but declined firmly to join him at the Allied Steelmakers ' annual dinner ( carriages eleven-thirty ) , saying she would actually rather go to the cinema with a girlfriend , and tripped out of the office looking considerably less harassed than when she had arrived .
9 He looked around him at the other producers and researchers .
10 When they had carried him into his cage that afternoon and taken him out of the carrier box in which he had journeyed for so long , he had hardly dared to look around him at the other cages .
11 Loneliness stole across him at the strangest times .
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