Example sentences of "him as the [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 He found a mirror , stuck candles at either side of it and sat , naked , before it , the sweat drying on him as the warm undulation of night air moved into the room .
2 It was not until the oriental had addressed the armed newcomer with the blackened face , that the two youngsters had recognised him as the private detective Brett Grant .
3 Calm and quiet , Trent picked him as the technical adviser along for the trip but without direct responsibility for the outcome .
4 I look upon him as the authentic voice of the Labour party , and I want him to be heard .
5 This not only allows him to indulge in more of those awkward movements , which make his first solo such a wonderful parody of classical dance , but shows him as the pathetic clown , always the butt of everyone 's laughter .
6 He openly talked of him as the probable successor to the see of Canterbury .
7 In 1986 deep-sea researcher Jacques Cousteau selected him as the still photographer for the research ship Calypso
8 However , it is because Leavis provided a purpose for English that most people regard him as the central figure .
9 She had no way of knowing that he was thinking not so much of the next photo story she would submit to him as the necessary therapy it might provide .
10 It obviously recognized him as the only being that had ever showed it kindness .
11 They stopped saying , you know , would you buy a used car from this man and started talking about him as the international peacemaker .
12 Certainly , this seems more plausible than the story of Franco 's late arrival , which was almost certainly invented later as part of the propaganda campaign to present him as the powerful statesman for whom even Adolf Hitler would wait .
13 He worked for Michael but was n't as subservient towards him as the other boys .
14 He is certainly all that , but I see him as the new Jasper Johns — that great transformer of icons — with sex , shopping and the detritus of the suburbs in place of Johns 's targets , beer cans and flags .
15 It is a piece that shows Strauss 's deep understanding of nature , and , again , it shows him as the great master of the musical epilogue .
16 In fact he takes his role as guardian of these fey fellahin so seriously that perhaps one should regard him as the Brobdingnagian Mayor of Gumnutland .
17 We did not see him as the spineless vicar that Fielding turned him into in Shamela .
18 Yesterday , sentencing Ferguson , Sheriff Colin MacKay described him as the prime mover .
19 His departure was initially greeted with euphoria by sacked workers who saw him as the major stumbling block to a negotiated settlement of the bitter dispute , Britain 's worst industrial confrontation since the 1980s .
20 Aware that Brando had enjoyed his 1979 comedy The In-Laws , Bergman reworked the same basic plot around the star 's mythic bulk , casting him as the manipulative mafia don Carmine Sabatini , who gives Broderick the job of minding a komodo dragon , and adopts him as one of the ‘ family ’ .
21 At Edgbaston , in his early days , it is hard to recall him as the skinny lad in wire spectacles who tried too hard to bowl at medium pace , and when he became depressed at his form , came out in eczema rashes and asthma wheezes .
22 Charles 's only alternative was to use royal lands to " buy " support : a long historiographical tradition casts him as the archetypical squanderer of the fisc .
23 Foreigners viewed him as the typical Englishman , a bit of a dandy .
24 The elder has been in Normandy for four years now , Stephen can hardly count him as the staunch supporter he used to be . ’
25 Some of Pugachev 's followers identified him as the true Tsar , Peter III .
26 Share My Lettuce boasts an original if rather undernourished droll in Kenneth Williams ( remember him as the alarming brat in The Buccaneer ?
27 The golf fan , if he notices the caddie at all , probably just sees him as the anonymous person who carries the superstar 's bag and is , incidentally , a walking billboard for the sponsor .
28 Marx 's internationalism paralleled what was identified by him as the leading sector of capitalism , the international .
29 Rose 's pupil , who succeeded him as the royal gardener .
30 When Pauline Kael reviewed him as the bloated Jake La Motta in Raging Bull , she said that what De Niro was doing was certainly something , but she 'd hesitate to call it acting .
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