Example sentences of "him [art] [adj] [noun sg] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 We are some way from the context of the debate , but if the Minister really wants evidence of how appallingly badly the service is being delivered , I shall be extremely glad to send him the 20-page Tower Watch survey of Archway Tower social security office .
2 Unhappy with the quality of local films , Van Leer began to produce his own : his first effort won him the Golden Bear award at the Berlin film festival in 1964 .
3 But Mr Norman Bell , who drives the No 8 United bus between Barnard Castle and Bishop Auckland , was called in to learn a survey had found him the friendliest bus driver in Britain .
4 So he ordered to be brought to him the finest silk cloth and brilliant threads , and made for pleasure what he had once needed to make for harsh necessity .
5 Although the polls give him the lowest performance rating of any post-war leader , Mr Major doubted there would be a challenge this year .
6 It 's up to you to give him the visual reference material from which he can start planning his camera angles , his cast positionings , etc . ’
7 ‘ Here , ’ said Mrs Wright , giving him the front door key .
8 When dinner was over he liked Diana enough to ask her to show him the 115-foot-long picture gallery which then housed one of the finest private collections of art in Europe .
9 Not for him the glitzy party animal networking of the Beverly Hills A-list .
10 But Tony 's sparkling form at England B level is sure to give him the left wing spot and set him up for the Test against Canada on October 17 .
11 A SIX-YEAR-OLD boy died in hospital after being hit by a car while his father taught him the Green Cross Code .
12 Bill Williams , a journeyman , witnessed how he had met Day in the Barley Mow at Hungerford , and sold him the incriminating tobacco box .
13 Kenneth Horne 's rich , fruity voice and warm patrician manner made him the ideal link man and that , coupled with a mischievous sense of humour , ensured that any programme in which he was involved was the better for his presence .
14 Sometimes he grunted at me as if trying to get me to say something , but always I had to give him the same classroom answer : ‘ Ich verstehe nicht . ’
15 Mr Portillo 's promotion makes him the youngest Cabinet minister since Dr David Owen was appointed Foreign Secretary under Labour .
16 ‘ We have sent him a loyal birthday telegram in exile , ’ he said .
17 He brought with him a thirty page document proposing a military take-over of the country .
18 She fought hard to get him a part-time playgroup place in the group his older brother attended .
19 But then Ratagan handed him a battered silver flask with a wink and he spluttered over strong barley spirit , the last of the cold burnt out of him .
20 After the introduction of Nicholas ( 3190 – 220 ) we turn back to the carpenter , of whom , too , we are instantly given details making him a perfect fabliau character : he is married , newly and ill-matchedly so , and thus perhaps green and inexperienced as well as old and jealous : The fabliau formulae themselves produce an unjust stereotyping in this case , as the carpenter 's jealousy , although referred to again by Alison ( 3294 ) , is nowhere evident in his words or actions in the tale .
21 There , in the company computer , he imagines he will find tons of choice titbits such as upcoming record store appearances or release dates for new singles — information that will make him a real idol otaku king when he transmits it over the networks to other idol-loving otaku .
22 But once , to test this , when I offered him a smoky bacon crisp and said , as he crunched greedily into it , ‘ I did n't know you liked smoky bacon , ’ he sprinted into the bathroom and washed out his mouth with soap , screaming from his frothing lips that he would burn in hell . )
23 Andrewes used to carry around with him a small manuscript book in which he found his refuge from the intrigues , the coarseness and the immorality of daily life at the Court of King James .
24 When his father realised that Christian had no intention of returning to the family estate in Oxfordshire , and breeding prime Herefordshire cattle for the rest of his life , he gave him a small capital sum and washed his hands of him .
25 They moved to the Caribbean in 1984 after Mr Clarke 's mother left him a small banana plantation in her will .
26 ( Peter should have remembered because Howley sent him a six word telegram before his own big day .
27 ‘ Now then , ’ said Nelly , giving him a dark melting glance .
28 I found it was stale so I replaced it and was about to make him a corned beef sandwich when Dad asked , ‘ Where 's Pete ? ’
29 On 8 March 1991 the council sent him a standard form letter in terms reflecting those of sections 64 and 65 .
30 Jean the whole point about it is I gave him I , I gave him a thousand pound worth of work and one fella , a young fella ah Raymond look at that , and he gives him twenty off the drink for a year and after the year
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