Example sentences of "him [adv] [art] [noun sg] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 He was nearly always right , too , so very seldom did anyone get the chance of really taking him down a peg or two .
2 He would let her father row him down the lake and dangle out a few lines to see if a tickle of fish would tickle his mood .
3 I follow him down the aisle and throw random packages into the basket .
4 Coffin saw him down the staircase and out of the front door , where they stood , still talking .
5 Surface worker Peter Moran , 40 , lowered him down the shaft but then stopped the winding gear , leaving him dangling half-a-mile from the bottom of the pit .
6 The gardener , Mrs Grindlewood-Gryke and I pursued him down the garden and into the bluebell wood .
7 Was the reservation letter received by him merely a promise as to the future or was it a statement of present fact ?
8 The only gossip which came back to Lucien was that Amber thought him too plain in appearance to work well with Jeopardy , and considered him merely a tool that her lover was using in an attempt to provoke her .
9 The most I can hope for is that I might meet him over a pint and get him to be indiscreet-tell me if there is any dirt on Desmond Seymour-Strachey , for example . ’
10 Then Pettit took a photograph and , he claimed , Enos attacked him — throwing him over a fence and punching him in a headlock .
11 He did n't go to Mass , but it was said that the priests came down to him once a month and heard his confession and gave him Holy Communion .
12 General Yang 's fall goes unlamented among professional PLA men who considered him more a politician than a soldier .
13 He was surprised to see Mrs Brocklebank and slightly more surprised to see Ben Brocklebank whom he had never absolutely believed in before , thinking him more an excuse than a man , someone Mrs B. sheltered behind when it suited her not to do something .
14 I hope you tore him off a strip when — ’
15 The last lay off ( remember after being selected for England ) shook him up a bit and he took time to get his confidence back , but again towards the end of the season was getting back to his best .
16 I 'll never forget old , about two days I 'd been there , and I 'm going across the square and I see this bloke with sombreal on , so I did flung him up a salute cos that was wrong , he says come here
17 Generally , he came downstairs to wash and shave while she was doing this , but today she took him up a tray so he could have his breakfast in bed .
18 Now I 'm aware that many parents bring their children for baptism from reasons of superstition or custom or anything you like I 'm reminded of a certain tax gatherer who , inspired by sheer idle curiosity , climbed a tree curiosity maybe took him up the tree but it was the grace of God that brought him down .
19 It invariably ended with Uncle Titch pretending to get cross with the clown on stilts and chasing him along the street on his fat little legs and trying to kick him up the bum and falling over backwards .
20 ‘ He went into the bend with Glengar Ranger , who took him out a bit and the winner got on the inside of them down the back straight .
21 He had not been so happy with the farmland which went with the Fish ; his town talents ( he was from Cockermouth , about ten miles away ) had given him neither the patience nor the experience for such niggling country work and — as he was a man who took advice badly — his neighbours had soon left him alone to rot alone .
22 But she had given him neither an address nor a telephone number ; and the complexities of finding either had posed rather too much of a problem on a transatlantic line .
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