Example sentences of "him [prep] [adj] [noun] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 I 'm sure we can get an accountant to come and speak to us , but we might have to pay him for two hours work , you see .
2 A young Roman Catholic soldier from the Lancashire Fusiliers was billeted on him for two summer months of 1941 and never forgot the joyful singing which used to accompany Ramsey 's washing and shaving before he went off to the cathedral each morning .
3 Judge Lawrence Verney jailed him for seven years foreach of the rapes and four years for each of the indecent assaults , all to run concurrently .
4 I remember , one bloke , mind-reader he was — Steenie booked him for some Variety bill , forget where it was now .
5 He appeared to have learned his lesson last season , but the fact that he needs Robson 's ‘ Englishness ’ for Europe means he will pick him for some league games such as Chelsea last week , and was n't he crap ; > }
6 And she scolded him for frightening children Adam , six , Louise , four , and two-year-old Carl .
7 He took up his claret , drank , and moved to an anecdote which he had found scarcely ever failed and would surely , he was convinced , see him through this supper party as the man of wide travel , wide curiosity , the aristocratic rover who had finally come back home to live by the more profound , more refined things of life .
8 He were parked up there well every coalman I 've pulled him about this coke stuff and I 'd seen him other day and I pulled him , explained that I were going over on April first
9 She told him about open heart surgery , and lasers ; about credit cards and the cost of living , and the vast expense involved when buying a moderately sized residence like Rose Cottage , which he regarded as little short of scandalous , totally unable to begin to comprehend such vast sums of money being paid for such a relatively small return .
10 If we go to any local government official and talk to him about local government finance and how the council tax might work , he will say that it is nonsense and a case of trying to muddle through and paper over the cracks simply to make the package a little more presentable for electoral purposes .
11 In fact , Charles 's highly publicized conversion to vegetarianism can more properly be laid at the door of his former bodyguard , Paul Officer who frequently argued with him during long car journeys about the virtues of a non-meat diet .
12 They followed widespread criticism of Keating in the British tabloid press , which accused him of insulting Queen Elizabeth during her 12th state visit earlier in February for the 150th anniversary of the proclamation of Sydney as a city .
13 Strange because it reminded him of other bedroom partings : sheets tangled , sweat cooling , confusion and self-reproach keeping glances at bay .
14 It reminded him of that moment years before when she had drawn and aimed the bow .
15 ( Note : usually this means a second or subsequent mortgage , the first mortgagee holding the title deeds as his security. ) ( ii ) Any equitable charge acquired by a tenant for life or statutory owner under any Finance or other Act by reason of the discharge by him of any inheritance tax or other liabilities to which special priority is given by the statute ( a " limited owner 's charge " ) .
16 ‘ Seriously reduced visibility conditions ’ in relation to a vehicle used on a road during daytime hours may include such conditions adversely affecting visibility ( whether consisting of , or including , fog , smoke , heavy rain or spray , snow , dense cloud , or any similar condition ) as seriously reduce the ability of the driver ( after the appropriate use by him of any windscreen wiper and washer ) to see other vehicles or persons on the road , or the ability of other users of the road to see the vehicle .
17 In truth , one can remember once , in the professional 's shop at Augusta , finding the great Gary Player thoughtfully fingering a set of Cleveland woods which reminded him of some Ben Hogan woods he had once owned .
18 It took him just five hours , included 29 fours , and took him past 4,000 Test runs ( a milestone Botham had passed earlier in the game ) .
19 John Pemberton was Palace 's genial and gutsy full-back throughout our promotion drive to Division one in 1988–89 and then in The Eagles ' progress to the FA Cup Final and Replay of' 1990 Indeed , his surging run in the semi-final against Liverpool at Villa Park , which took him past several defender s , before he delivered the cross from which Mark Bright put the Palace on terms and on the way to our stunning victory , will probably remain for ever in the memories of those who saw it , even though he impressed enormously in the two Cup Finals against Manchester United 's sophisticated and costly imports .
20 So they kept changing the man on the next machine , and until he could talk him into using the System , William 's grandad would have to lurch down machine alley every few minutes , heaving his stiff leg behind him like Long John Silver and cursing like his parrot .
21 The teenage snakes tumble , somersault and skid down after him like over-zealous baby ducks in ardent pursuit of a mother figure .
22 I saw him with that Jones girl , ’ answered his sister Dorothy .
23 ‘ If you do n't ask him with 100 percent commitment and effort he wo n't do it , yet the feeling I got when it suddenly clicked was just amazing ! ’
24 Chain , exasperated by the British failure to provide him with adequate research facilities , migrated to Rome , but was retained as a consultant by Beecham 's at a time when the firm was rapidly developing its research facilities .
25 If you are attending a meeting , arrive in good time , plan to have a clear view of the speaker , being reasonably close to him with hearing-aid volume low rather than being more distant with the volume at a higher level , picking up more unwanted noise .
26 His suppliers are old friends , like John McNutt in Donegal , who supplies him with soft lambswool tweeds .
27 D. B. Sweeney plays Doug Dorsey , a working class lad whose bright future in the National Hockey League is ended by a playing accident that leaves him with permanent eye damage .
28 The boy had not spoken since they thrust him into this sandstone cell under the ground and left him with his single candle and his narrow bed .
29 He seems also to have had the right to appoint deputies to act for him in individual duchy lordships .
30 He seems also to have had the right to appoint deputies to act for him in individual duchy lordships .
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