Example sentences of "him [verb] [noun] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 David Poole , who came into ballet in Cape Town a few months before John Cranko in 1944 , described his beginnings : how he saw his first ballet performance on a Saturday night at City Hall , spoke to friends there of his desire to dance , and on the Sunday was told by them that they had arranged with Dulcie Howes for him to attend classes at the University Ballet School .
2 Hoped I would do nothing to compel him to shake hands with the murderers of his relatives .
3 Have the bowman on the front of the boat and get him to indicate distance to the line with his fingers .
4 In line with this , the archbishop gave his willing support to direct royal taxation of the clergy in order to defray the costs of the conquest of Wales ; he was also aware that such a conquest would enable him to establish control over the wayward Welsh church and bring it into line with the rest of post-Lateran Christendom .
5 Hegel himself , regarded as one of the ‘ deflated balloons ’ of German philosophy by his former French admirer , Hippolyte Taine ( 1828–93 ) , went out of fashion in his native country , and the way in which ‘ the tiresome , conceited and mediocre epigones who set the tone among the educated German public ’ treated him moved Marx in the 1860s ‘ to declare myself publicly a disciple of that great thinker ’ .
6 When Rose suggested that they write to Luke to ask him to meet Maggie off the train when she got to London Moran was furious .
7 Oddly enough , later on in the Mess I heard him repeat part of the rollicking , but not my reply , to the station commander .
8 They had had faith , they had seen Jesus perform miracles , they had seen him heal the sick , they had seen him give sight to the blind , they had seen some of the tremendous things that Jesus had done .
9 He 's proved to be a very good buy and , to be honest , I was backing him to restrict Shearer in the way he did . ’
10 Dumbfounded , Caroline watched him catch hold of the dark girl 's arms , steadying her .
11 THE owner of a derelict boarding house was accused yesterday of killing a friend who had allegedly helped him to set fire to the building in an ‘ insurance job ’ .
12 In fact towards the end of the book looking at the overall picture it seems that everyone else 's life ends happily in marriage apart from Pip 's , and him meeting Estella in the end completes this sort of feeling of his life not being complete.fulfilled .
13 Furthermore , as Henry VIII had relied on the authority of scripture to justify his annulment , it was difficult for him to resist pressure for the translation of the Bible into English , or demands that doctrine and liturgy should conform to the word of God as revealed in the scriptures .
14 Made him see things in the cold light of reality .
15 He came , he told us , because his understanding of the ideological struggle makes him see Rhodesia as the most sensitive battlefield .
16 BELOW : Rob Whallan — this Tailside won the vote of the judges , enabling him to win victory during the World Baseball Invitational .
17 On Nov. 10 MacSharry withdrew his resignation after EC Foreign Ministers meeting in Brussels on Nov. 9 authorized him to reopen negotiations with the USA .
18 ‘ Miss Everdene 's caught him stealing wheat from the barn !
19 Newman watched him stuffing banknotes into the envelope , sealing it , writing on the front .
20 ‘ Yet you did n't recognize him until you heard him speaking French to the pedlar . ’
21 In this year , the 25th anniversary of Shelter , does the Minister agree that the time is right for him to give effect to the Prime Minister 's boast in his letter of support to Shelter that the Government would employ public expenditure where necessary ?
22 For the last twenty years of his life his bronchitis made him take holidays on the French Riviera ; Frith says of these later years that he ‘ fell back upon books and art , nature , love and poetry ’ .
23 She was willing to give evidence about his Mob links in 1970 ; today , she says he was an enthusiastic bisexual who involved J Edgar Hoover in sexual orgies just as the Kennedys were trying to make him take action against the Mob .
24 The roughness and sheer wild irrationality of Lewis 's domestic persona were matched by the genuinely warm-hearted impulse which had led him to befriend Havard in the first place .
25 He killed the most famous , Kok Fitzabraham , with his own hands and was less than pleased when Montfort made him share part of the spoils .
26 Stephen felt embarrassed that this women , a Three Towns Echo reporter presumably , should have heard him call Dadda by the shameful name .
27 A firm must take all reasonable steps to ensure that it does not give investment advice to , nor effect , a discretionary transaction with or for , a private customer , unless that advice or transaction is suitable for him having regard to the facts disclosed by that customer or other relevant facts about the customer of which the firm is or ought reasonably to be aware .
28 Scotland Yard is lending Mr Porceddu 10 officers to help him to keep tabs on the 100 ooligans whose names have flashed up on Fifa 's ticket computer .
29 Then he turned to his son and told him to sing fandangos in the way he had been shown .
30 His knowledge of some of the singers , from previous visits to Munich and Mannheim , enabled him to commence work on the opera whilst still in Salzburg .
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