Example sentences of "him [verb] [adv prt] the [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 A person who is allowed to enter one part of a building only , will become a trespasser if he enters another part " When you invite a person into your house to use the stairs you do not invite him to slide down the bannisters " ( The Calgarth [ 1927 ] P 93 per Scrutton LJ ) .
2 She could imagine him picking out the blooms , thinking of her , his large , flamboyant writing looping across the card …
3 His career was not without its less attractive moments , and it is sad that many fans will remember the famous picture in the 1981 Wisden of him kicking down the stumps after having an appeal refused in New Zealand almost as readily as they will recall his wonderful bowling ; yet even in dissent he was physically graceful , and the picture is positively balletic .
4 The only recorded royal tram ride in the first hundred years of Blackpool tramways occurred on 21 October 1937 , when HRH The Duke of Kent ( the present Duke 's father ) visited Blackpool to open Victoria Hospital , the lifeboat house and Princess Way , culminating in him switching on the Illuminations .
5 I shouted desperately , throwing water over him to put out the flames .
6 She did not believe Labour was now the party of home ownership , strong defence and financial rectitude : ‘ If it 's that easy for the Labour leader to give up the principles in which he does believe , wo n't it be even easier for him to give up the principles in which he does not believe ?
7 In a personal attack on Mr Kinnock — a prime target for the Conservative counter-offensive — she added : ‘ If it 's that easy for the Labour leader to give up the principles in which he does believe , wo n't it be even easier for him to give up the principles in which he does not believe ? ’
8 Do n't let him take out the men .
9 He fell forward , as a result of which there was a crowd surge and the people in front of him stumbled down the terraces .
10 Often Hickey is besieged by fans who want him to turn up the vocals and they make their point forcibly .
11 In the third movement March his speed is less hectic than that of Pletnev or Jansons , but this allows him to bring out the rhythms with more of a swagger .
12 French law has forced him to hand over the helms of Adidas and Bernard Tapie Finance , but he said : ‘ My new post is not incompatible with the presidency of Marseille .
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