Example sentences of "him [verb] [pers pn] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The Minister 's only defence I do not recall him using it in Committee — against the charge that he is wantonly selling public assets cheaply is that we always have recourse to the Public Accounts Committee .
2 For years I allowed him to treat me like dirt .
3 The incident was reported in the press , however , and his secretary was quoted in one newspaper as saying , " Many Jewish people have written to him accusing him of anti-semitism .
4 He had n't seen her , but the closeness of him moved her to flight .
5 and then we , get my money , I 've er over a hundred pound , then , go out , play a round whatever and then later I 'll phone up Roddy , tell him to meet me on Saturday and he
6 I 'll telephone someone I know in COBRA and ask him to meet us at Melbury Court . ’
7 tell him to meet you on Sunday , aha
8 My comments on his work were valuable only as an irritating pretext which permitted him to lecture me on Art .
9 Consequently it is necessary for him to provide her with feedback so that she is aware that her opinion is duly considered .
10 The sight of her legs as they stretched forward to keep up with him lifted him with exultation .
11 Why not do as he says , and let him send you to Nicosia as an envoy ? ’
12 The principal is required to give his clerk specified minimum training ( or to enable him to receive it from others ) .
13 He had not gone because his mother was always asking him to help her with things that she could have done perfectly well by herself .
14 I recall listening to him tell it to visitors when I was a child , and then later , when I was starting out as a footman under his supervision .
15 The book was completed just in time for him to dedicate it to King Charles II at the Restoration .
16 ‘ If she 'd been in love with Henry she 'd have agreed to be his mistress — not made him wait seven years for a divorce before she let him take her to bed .
17 Titch left him a key , you see , while he was away , so he could keep an eye on the place , or maybe if he wanted to do some painting , the way your nan carried on about him doing it at home — anyway , he went round there that night . ’
18 Soft ground is essential for Yahoo and conditions should be to his liking , although if he could not beat Desert Orchid in the Cheltenham bog it is difficult to visualise him doing it at Kempton .
19 She asked the person who answered her to try and find him as soon as possible and to ask him to contact her in Cairo immediately as there is an extremely urgent matter she needs to talk to him about .
20 Instead of selling him your goods , you let him have them on consignment .
21 And if he was engaged on some scheme of his own , she had better leave him to pursue it without interference .
22 Although the ostler 's evening meal was almost ready to be served , the Burford constable asked him to accompany him to Handley Farm , where he was going to talk to Seb , and the two men walked along the road deep in conversation .
23 Diana , patron of British Red Cross Youth , had asked him to brief her on Somalia and war-ravaged Bosnia .
24 The president thanked him and told him to keep him in touch with any further developments .
25 His legs were beginning to get twitchy and fidgety , the way they always did when it was particularly important for him to keep them under control .
26 Like a zombie she let him lead her from Tivoli , allowed him to fasten the seatbelt of the Mercedes round her , followed him into the apartment , standing motionless while he switched on the soft wall lighting .
27 We might do better to find the hired assassin and let him lead us to McCloy . ’
28 She claims she has been forced to wait for him to call her from phone boxes .
29 the Judge , will compel him to learn it by heart .
30 And so , through playing his stuff so many times , hearing him play it on record and on bootlegs and actually hearing him sing live — once — it 's got to the point where it 's hard to say whether this is my natural voice or if it 's something I learned .
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