Example sentences of "him [verb] [prep] an [adj] " in BNC.

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1 I said I wanted him to go to an outside hospital , so they took him .
2 She gestured for him to go with an indifferent wave of her hand .
3 She had had him pegged as an emotional lightweight , probably good at his job in a technical sense but untroubled by messy feelings .
4 In the centre of the road was a six-foot colour portrait of President Assad , an artist 's impression of the Syrian leader in air force uniform that made him look like an elderly Battle of Britain pilot , eyes narrowed against the sun , gaze fixed on the heavens .
5 There was no call to make him look like an Anglo-Saxon writing in schoolboy French by altering it to sauce de moutarde .
6 Tom , meanwhile , has binned the thigh-slapping choreography that made him look like an excited primate and opted instead for more engaging shapes akin to those thrown by a boxing kangaroo .
7 Besides Maxham was n't dressed with a salesman 's mass-produced smartness : he was a wiry little man whose rumpled suit and gold-rimmed glasses made him look like an old-fashioned country doctor .
8 Oswald had been brought up as a Christian prince in Celtic lands from the age of 12 , so it was perhaps natural for him to look to an Irish religious foundation for ecclesiastical and spiritual direction , and it may be that these overtures to Iona also reflect a dependence on Dalriadic military support at the time of his accession .
9 This week we read of him losing to an unranked Swede who virtually apologised after the match , explaining that Borg had been the reason for his getting into tennis in the first place .
10 He had arranged for him to fly to an Italian song festival which was n't just Italian , it was an international song festival , of the lesser variety , but one which paid money .
11 In this context , Edward s assumption of the title and arms of Ring of France at Ghent in 1340 is of the utmost significance , for it allowed him to pose as an alternative government in France and attract the loyalty of those who for whatever reason were discontented with Valois rule .
12 ‘ We had planned to run a single GM-backed Astra this year for Luis Climent but when Bardolet became available it was decided to provide a second car for him supported by an outside sponsor , ’ explains Meeke .
13 And yet to the world at large he claimed to have conducted a most detailed investigation into the whole matter , sufficient to enable him to arrive at an informed judgement that British policy remained correct .
14 ‘ I was at the first-night party of Come Blow Your Horn , ’ said Braden , ‘ and remember being completely fooled by his American accent in the play , so I was very surprised to hear him talking in an English accent afterwards . ’
15 Two months after Unkiar-Skelessi , at Münchengrätz in Bohemia , he explained his Turkish policy to the Emperor of Austria and persuaded him to act as an additional guarantor of the integrity of the Ottoman lands .
16 Even though I could now visualize a cell or a room , and a man chained to a wall , trying to occupy his mind and keep his fears at bay , when I thought of John it was like thinking of him lost in an abstract painting which I did n't understand .
17 Standing off-set can present a smaller target area to the opponent and , by forcing him to strike at an alternative area , can trap him into leaving himself wide open .
18 He sometimes borders on triteness , but more often his straightforward approach allows him to speak in an authentic language which is easily understood and brilliantly evocative .
19 Even the opening report of him comes from an unusual source — his own vivid memory of how he learned to walk .
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