Example sentences of "him [noun] to the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The patronage of Sir Edward Phelips [ q.v. ] probably brought him admission to the Middle Temple ( 1614 ) , James I gave him fee-farm rents in sixteen counties ( 1619–24 ) , and he became clerk extraordinary to the Privy Council ( 1624–40 ) .
2 If it had been , they would never have summoned him here and allowed him access to the hallowed Tower .
3 I would further recommend that a strong warning be issued to the father , pointing out to him that if he should continue to molest his wife and daughter the law allows an injunction to be brought against him , forbidding him access to the marital home .
4 What is more , de Man argues , metaphor overcomes the opposition between inner repose and outer action because Marcel 's imagination gives him access to the outside world ; of a kind that allows him to possess it " much more effectively than if he had actually been present in an outside world that he could then have only known by bits and pieces " ( 1979 : 60 ) .
5 The expanding power of Napoleonic France gave him access to the whole range of material available in Europe .
6 But his failure to attend a WRU coaching course ( a sin of omission shared with Ray Prosser , perhaps the finest coach of forwards Welsh rugby ever had ) coupled with his outspokenness denied him access to the magic circle .
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