Example sentences of "have been [adj] [prep] some " in BNC.

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1 I did not use a tape recorder for these interviews , though one might have been helpful in some ways , though perhaps inhibiting to my informants in other ways .
2 me patient should have the right sort of symptoms and should have been subject to some stressful emotional experience before the onset of the illness .
3 The effect of this may have been beneficial to some of the British potters , especially in Oxfordshire where good quality imitations of provincial samian vessels were produced .
4 She must have been asleep for some hours when the sound of her opening bedroom door penetrated her dreams and brought her instantly awake .
5 I think maybe I must have been Spanish in some former life — I feel as though I 've come home . ’
6 For example , fair dealing for research purposes might have allowed decompilation in some circumstances and implied licences might have been appropriate in some cases involving error correction and back-up copies .
7 This problem must also have been worse for some people because , even though I 'm only 16 , I am 5ft 8ins .
8 If a property is insufficiently furnished for full habitation , it may also have been unoccupied for some length of time .
9 Frank and Wallerstein 's versions of the international division of labour may have been accurate for some countries during some periods , but the re-formation of capitalism on a global scale in the latter part of the twentieth century has rendered it increasingly less so .
10 ‘ Kevin Brown believes he may have been involved in some way .
11 ‘ There remains a suspicion he could have been involved in some way , ’ he said .
12 No explanation for the fall was ever given , though Sir Thomas believed he may have been involved in some stupid jape .
13 He may have been involved in some other misdemeanours at the same time , but he was also supporting the poll tax in the Cabinet .
14 They believe Mr MacDonald may have been involved in some kind of argument shortly before his death .
15 She might have been daft in some ways , but she knew what was in and what was out , did Mary M. She knew the right clubs to go to .
16 ‘ I expect you 've heard the rumours about us seeking further investment for the station — you might even have been privy to some inside information . ’
17 It may have been idyllic to some but evidently not to the people who lived as close to the land as James Seely did .
18 Thus ( 61 ) will be true , on this account , just in case there is some reference time ( say , another event ) prior to CT , such that at that reference time , ( 62 ) would have been true ( while ( 62 ) is in turn true , just in case ( 63 ) would have been true at some point prior to the CT of ( 62 ) ) : ( 6z ) John had seen Mary ( 62 ) John saw Mary ( 63 ) John sees Mary But such M-tenses do not match up simply with L-tenses , for L-tenses nearly always encode additional aspectual and modal features too ( see Comrie , 1976a ; Lyons , 1977a : 703ff , 809ff ) .
19 If , alternatively , it originated before Swegen 's arrival , it could have been concerned with some kind of political submission .
20 She 'd have been stuck in some noisy complex in Pollensa and then had to drive back to Palma to do his share of the work .
21 This is the last bond to be actively redeemed until 1957 when a minor flurry of interest in activating redemption might have been responsible for some bond buying-in activity , although the Club waited until 1983 for the total buying-in to take place .
22 Robin Cranko thinks that one of them , if not both , must have been responsible for some branches of the Cranko family whom he came across during his researches .
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