Example sentences of "have find [art] [noun] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 So in order to have a reasonable chance of seeing an explosion before your research grant ran out , you would have to find a way to detect any explosions within a distance of about one light-year .
2 If this programme is to make any sense we shall have to find a way to associate numbers with our operators .
3 Well , I 'll have to find a place to lay my cropped and weary head for the night , wo n't I. This is the bit I 've been trying not to think about .
4 The Irish success landed RTE with a potential financial headache for next year as they will now have to find the funds to stage the 1994 competition .
5 Not only do these youngsters have to find the strength to battle against crippling disease , they have to find the motivation and the will to win .
6 She was alone in the world and would have to heal herself and somehow she would have to find the strength to do it .
7 The only certainty , she reflected ruefully , soaking in fragrant warm water up to her chin , was that in half an hour or so she 'd have to find the courage to face Roman again , possibly over the breakfast-table .
8 Edward Lear , too , would have felt at home in Bletchley 's realm of Complete Nonsense ; and he would even have found a friend called Foss .
9 But armed forces are not known for being bastions of sentiment and it is definitely true that had the SAAF really needed to replace both types , it would have found a way to do so .
10 Perhaps there was hope , perhaps all was not harsh antipathy , perhaps a better daughter might have found a way to soften such a mother .
11 If Deaconess Tilley had n't been there at the time , she might have found an excuse to say no .
12 If Ben Leggatt had earned his living , not as an odd job man at Weston Longville rectory but as a private soldier in one of His Majesty 's foot regiments billetted in Bungay , he would have found the shopkeepers overwilling to let him take away purchases on a promise to pay later — had it not been for the ‘ Crying Down The Credits ’ .
13 If the university had been , say , in Vermont , I would have agreed to go and would somehow have found the money to pay my fare and support myself in America — and interpret for Jean-Claude .
14 If he had kissed her with passion or some brutal demand to impose his will on her then she could have found the strength to fight him , but there was no way she could resist this aching tenderness , this joining that made them one whole .
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