Example sentences of "than [modal v] [verb] been [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Putting this principle into operation was to prove more difficult and contentious than may have been foreseen , and it was to be several more years before the CNAA was to consider changes in practice and begin consultations towards a new balance of ‘ minimum of control ’ with the duties imposed by the Charter .
2 Over ninety states have accepted the obligation not to acquire nuclear arms under the 1968 Non-Proliferation Treaty ; although this treaty has not prevented the detonation of a nuclear device by India and the covert acquisition of nuclear capacity also by Israel and South Africa , the total list of nuclear powers is relatively small , and perhaps less than may have been predicted a few years ago .
3 Some property damage was foreseeable and the fact that it was more extensive than might have been foreseen did not matter .
4 The share of total energy usage accounted for by nuclear power will rise from 4% to 7% , a far lower level of increase than might have been achieved but for the Three Mile Island incident .
5 Moreover , it is far from clear that the LDDC has managed to obtain anything like the best financial deals in its negotiations with developers : land appears to have been sold at substantially less than might have been achieved , and as the freeholder the LDDC has retained little control of , nor gained any benefit from , subsequent development .
6 Since Bassett 's book was published , biographies of most of the main protagonists have appeared : but , with one exception , they shed much less light on the crisis than might have been imagined .
7 A STUDY of baboons in Kenya shows that the old adage ‘ you are what you eat ’ is truer than might have been imagined .
8 Overall , the picture is less gloomy than might have been feared .
9 This needs serious appraisal because it may indicate that recovery is far more fragile than might have been appreciated .
10 What history will say of his tenure of office is that he had very difficult decisions to make in awkward circumstances and while England 's international team suffered an unimaginable decline most of the 17 first-class counties , his prime concern , flourished more than might have been expected .
11 The inflation figures , and even pay settlements , have been less awful than might have been expected .
12 Otherwise , the Commonwealth relationship remained more tranquil under Mrs Thatcher than might have been expected .
13 The Great and Good have proved more resilient than might have been expected .
14 I feared in Rome I detected a great change for the worse , but she has stood the journey well , better than might have been expected , and now , if all remains serene , we may see her build up again . ’
15 The processes which keep alive a microbe , a spinach plant , and a human turned out to have more in common than might have been expected .
16 Beliefs which had become established almost as folk-law , such as the universally harmful effects of too much salt , had less support than might have been expected .
17 The remaining populace , disillusioned with their rulers and protectors , accordingly greeted the French emperor and his men with less hostility than might have been expected .
18 It was obvious to them that Danzig , up to the advent of the Nazis , had been far freer from racial strife and entrenched national rivalry than might have been expected in such a complex and explosive economic and political environment .
19 The casualty rate so far was no more than might have been expected from the hazardous nature of the operation , and although he could not , in all honesty , say he was in command of the whole ship , he at least held the strategic upper hand .
20 than might have been expected .
21 The parameters used to select patients for the trial , however , could have indicated several remedies other than Rhus toxicodendron , and the chances of any particular patient responding to the Rhus toxicodendron were little better than might have been expected by chance alone .
22 But Trafalgar caved in , and its chief executive is leaving the company earlier than might have been expected .
23 Nevertheless his reaction now was less than might have been expected , for he was an impressionable man where women were concerned .
24 We controlled the game better than might have been expected but this game is different and , however much you plan things , a goal can change everything .
25 The British came to Cannes with some pomp and ceremony and , for a disintegrating industry , made a bigger splash than might have been expected .
26 Korea was referred to more frequently than might have been expected in the summer of 1945 and the new President , Harry S. Truman , displayed some concern over Korea .
27 So in everything that follows , it should be borne in mind that the sample under discussion is — possibly more than might have been expected — a group close together in age , which could almost be regarded as a generation .
28 The process of re-selection of MPs has forced fewer changes than might have been expected : only six were rejected prior to the 1987 election .
29 Within the small towns , apparently independent bath-houses are more common than might have been expected given the general level of amenity provision ( fig. 5 D–H ) .
30 On the question of the effect of the GCSE upon arts teaching , a more positive picture emerged than might have been expected .
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