Example sentences of "than [pron] do [prep] [det] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ But I felt less affection and respect for you when I said it then , than I do at this minute , when I ca n't honestly say it .
2 Other readers may respond more positively than I do to these over-leisurely presumptions on their interest .
3 We know more about Milton , his personal concerns and his literary plans than we do about any other poet of his time , and indeed it may be that we have to come right up to the nineteenth century before we learn so much about the inner life of any poet .
4 ‘ We have a much higher profile abroad than we do in this country , ’ said Patrick .
5 It means that we bring our disordered lives right into marriage more than we do in any other kind of relationship .
6 Whether we are consumers or citizens , we stand more chance of being robbed by persons who roam corporate suites than we do by those who roam public streets .
7 The answer is simple ; there need be no judge and no moral dilemma if parents and doctors accept that they have no more right to end the life of a handicapped child than they do for any child which enters this world .
8 Descendants of sisters interact positively with descendants of mother or grandmother more than they do with those of aunts or great-aunts .
9 But accountability and care no more have to be the absolute precondition , the ever-present animating ethic , of sexual relations , homosexual or otherwise , than they do of any other kind except in the obvious sense that care of some kind is the precondition of almost any shared social activity .
10 Divorced couples often end up feeling more bitter about their lawyers than they do about each other — Laurence Marks .
11 People who give their horses water in plastic garbage bins of different colours , often discover that their horses drink more water from yellow and orange bins than they do from those of a darker colour such as red , brown , green , and purple .
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