Example sentences of "than [art] [noun] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 They almost certainly meet the needs of individual clients , but , like primary nursing , they may also fulfil the needs of the professionals concerned so successfully that the professionals , rather than the recipients of care , are really the most important clients of the system .
2 Expressions such as " to insure adequately " and " to insure to the full value of the property " should be amended as the former covenant could be complied with if the cover equates to that recommended by the insurance company , and the latter could be interpreted as meaning the full market value of the property and , as such , could be less than the cost of reinstatement .
3 Therefore , the condition for that balance of restraint from which we started out is that W < D , that is the value of winning the resource must be less than the cost of injury .
4 From the second column of the table it can be seen that in 1977–8 , before the crisis year of 1979 , the money supply was growing faster than the cost of living .
5 Although we must not forget the sizeable minority who are caught in a poverty trap , during recent years wages and salaries have risen overall more than the cost of living , and educational opportunities have widened .
6 However , it has been judicially observed that the objection to a rent representing a percentage of the tenant 's turnover is that , if the price of a commodity rises at a faster rate than the cost of living , pressure is likely to develop on dealers in that commodity to reduce their margin of profit or rate of commission ( Naylor v Uttoxeter UDC ( 1974 ) 231 EG 619 per Brightman J ) .
7 ‘ I should scarcely have regretted my journey , ’ claimed Johnson , ‘ had it afforded nothing more than the sight of Aberbrothick . ’
8 Few things can be more guaranteed to create a negative response than the sight of husband and wife sparring in public .
9 When a central government department is sued , it is usual to name the respondent as the Secretary of State who is constitutionally responsible for the conduct of the department 's business ; although , of course , the decision or action being challenged will more often than not have been made or done by someone other than the Secretary of State personally ; and in the case of a geographically decentralized department , such as the Department of Social Security , the challenged decision or action may have originated from any one of a large number of regional offices of the department .
10 Although the gastrin release in response to wine was diminished compared with controls it was still higher than the response to ethanol .
11 Only when the cameras were rolling was it heart-sinkingly apparent that the physics of inertia , represented by nearly a ton of resting sand , were greater than the physics of motion represented by the four skidding wheels of a Land Rover .
12 Major civil conflicts lasting several years — other than the wars of liberation and their aftermath in the former Portuguese territories — have taken place in Nigeria .
13 Yesterday 's denoument will also turn out to be good for Edwards , who will be able to sell his stake for a good deal more than the £10m on offer .
14 It is a far more important issue than the discussions over qualification periods for overseas players .
15 Histamine has effects other than the stimulation of acid and pepsin secretion , such as marked vasoactivity .
16 The obvious achievements — radar , jet propulsion , guided missiles , and the atomic bomb which brought the war to a sudden and unexpectedly early end at a price only less horrible than the continuation of war — depended on much basic research in physics and chemistry , particularly in the fields of radioactivity and nuclear energy , and of electronics .
17 But I question whether the ‘ intent to create legal relations ’ formula will in the long run work any better than the rules of consideration .
18 It is precisely because of this view that we discover the highest purpose of PATTERN PRACTICE : TO REDUCE TO HABIT WHAT RIGHTFULLY BELONGS TO HABIT IN THE NEW LANGUAGE , so that the mind and personality may be freed to dwell in their proper realm , that is on the meaning of the communication rather than the mechanics of grammar .
19 The proportion of recipients is greater than the proportion of income they hold except at the ‘ anchor points ’ on the axes .
20 Once again it is clear than the concept of bureaucracy can not be used in blanket terms .
21 For example , I think it will be agreed that the Newtonian concept of mass has a more precise meaning than the concept of democracy , say .
22 For among the rank and file of the Labour movement , no issue was more emotive than the relief of unemployment .
23 It may be that with a patient who is terminally ill or aged , the doctor 's obligation does not extend to anything more than the relief of pain and making the patient comfortable .
24 The only potential for sorrow in the poem is the age of Asophus , Florimelia 's father , who nonetheless sleeps easily at night since his virtue and simplicity are better than the vanities of wealth .
25 The next chapter is just such a consideration , though one that takes as a starting point the professional development of teachers ( Chapter 2 ) rather than the issue of accountability ( Chapter 1 ) .
26 In conjunction with the analysis of the information obtained through these surveys , the data obtained in the earlier study will also be reanalysed to consider other aspects of the process of recruitment than the issue of gender discrimination which was the principal focus of that project .
27 Hence his argument that ‘ the knowledge of history is no more historical than the knowledge of sugar is sweet ’ .
28 Workers in the nuclear industry could face up to double the risk of contracting leukaemia than the rest of society according to a report published today .
29 Although these children were potentially a lot more intelligent than the rest of society , they still feared something and this is what suppressed them for a longer period of time .
30 BLUES ' SCALES Blues Saraceno Blues Saraceno 's metabolic rate must be seven times faster than the rest of mankind 's .
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