Example sentences of "than [noun] at [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 erm What I 've I 've had a look at their team on paper , and erm they 're not strong enough and erm you know , they need more than Marvin at the moment ; they need two or three good blokes , they 're a bit too sort of erm balanced really , you know , they have n't got any big fire power , so erm you know , I think they 're in a bit of a spot down there , even though they probably think they 're not .
2 At the top of the scale , business must have taken a number of leading men out of town at the time the assessment was made , including , for example , Robert Thorne , Merchant Taylor and a notable benefactor to the City ; worth more than £20,000 at the time of his death in 1532 , he must have been one of the very richest men in England .
3 Diplomats expressed no more than disappointment at the lack of progress ( but that 's why they are diplomats ) .
4 Doug winds this invisible gladiator in by bitter degrees , inches rather than feet at a time .
5 She , who had never made more than toast at a schoolroom fire , became an enthusiastic , if variable , cook .
6 You 've got more teeth than Christopher at the moment have n't you ?
7 Perhaps erm pressure coming from local communities and ordinary people , rather than theologians at the top , and pressure released in order to allow for greater freedom , variety , flexibility , more open approach to other Christians and other religions , and to try to get rid of some of the obstacles that the past seems to place in our way .
8 This is the moment that the group , believed to be a family , helped themselves to jewellery worth more than £3,000 at the Hatton House Jewellers in Bletchley .
9 Boardwalk bounded along with more enthusiasm than grace at the head of the second group while two horses , including the favourite , made the running some three lengths clear of her .
10 Guido paused for an instant , then added , smiling , ‘ I expect that 's why your personal monetary situation is rather more loss than profit at the moment — because you invest so much of your time in romance ? ’
11 It was supposed to be work experience , but I did n't do much work other than stare at the test card , and this was a pretty boring experience .
12 We ca n't afford more than food at the moment .
13 ‘ T is safer for a woman than Winchester at the moment . ’
14 The ‘ flak helpers ’ had been little more than children at the time of Hitler 's great ‘ triumphs ’ , and in the hail of bombs , the destruction , and the retreating armies , the remaining image of the Führer as the military genius bore scant relation to their daily experience of reality .
15 On the other , a research report commissioned by the Lord Chancellor 's Department was critical of the quality of service provided by duty solicitors , with a high proportion relying on telephoned advice rather than attendance at the police station .
16 Next door , two elderly ladies from the Esperanto Society smiled more in hope than expectation at every preterpasanto — or passer-by , as you or I might say .
17 Except to some extent in the Habsburg territories , the men who gained a knowledge of them were destined to remain translators , interpreters or at most consuls , auxiliaries rather than actors at the centre of the diplomatic stage .
18 Newcastle were actually shorter odds than Leeds at the start of the season , which was equally ridiculous .
19 I knew that there is no death worse for an eagle than death at the beaks of hooded crows .
20 We play dominoes more than cards at the minute though
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