Example sentences of "my [noun] the first [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Jessie Young fired my imagination with her tales of warfare , politics and terror at Berwick , and fanned in my heart the first flames of a lifelong fascination with Scotland 's history .
2 It is to my knowledge the first time that an ‘ in-depth ’ feature has been written about their service with the RAF and brought back many poignant memories for me for I was , to quote your September issue , ‘ one of the batch of National Service gunners posted to RAF Coningsby ’ .
3 my Lord er , to only just final conclusions my Lord the first conclusion is that nothing in community law , nothing in the directives in the insurance companies act can be pointed to by which grants powers to them to regulate the insurance markets .
4 Right , since I 've taken over my territory the first thing I 've seen , I 've got to educate my customers as in paperwork .
5 Apparently when they pulled me out of the river and bashed the water out of my belly the first thing I said as I came round was , ‘ Riddled with diseases , I 'm sure ’ and the crew broke up in this hysterical laughter .
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