Example sentences of "my [noun] [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The second place is that probably one of the reasons that physicians feel threatened by these kind of laws is that , without the law , I can cruise along and maintain my patients ' comfort and my sanity to the best of my ability .
2 This experience deepened my dread of the five fillings which awaited me .
3 As an Englishman I express my subordination to the political authority under which I live by paying a certain fraction of my money income to the appropriate official .
4 This episode has not changed my attitude to the job of managing Celtic and I will be going before the board at a later date to give them my plans for the immediate future . ’
5 ‘ This episode has not changed my attitude to managing Celtic and I will be going before the board to give them my plans for the future ’ Liam Brady
6 Self-doubt probably still lurks somewhere so I write down very quickly all the things which went wrong and get them out of the way by incorporating my ideas on them into my plans for the next investigative session right away .
7 With this in mind , I sent my plans to the Special Air Service Regiment , reputedly the best collective authority in Britain on desert survival , and asked them to comment .
8 What I 'll do when I 'm , if all the if signs and buts are covered , I will put the mike on it 's stand when I 'm working tomorrow , put it on the desk and put the recorder in the , in my briefcase underneath the little desk
9 I had lost my heart to the little , golden flowers that brightened the meadows like a thousand suns .
10 The gentleman who saved me suggested I tell my story to the French authorities .
11 ‘ My respectful study of other religions has not abated my reverence for or my faith in the Hindu scriptures .
12 Before expressing my views about the remaining issues , I think it helpful to set out shortly the general principles of law which are applicable to the Secretary of State 's decision-making process .
13 ‘ I put my views to the Chief Secretary , ’ he said calmly , ‘ before he left for London .
14 You have a love bite on your neck , yet you go on asking me for my views on the multicultural society , on secularism , on Darcian Monetarism .
15 Thank you for inviting my views on the above consultation document .
16 I waited three days for the sun to come out but to no avail , so on a very grey , cloudy day I set my easel by the French doors , put my paints and brushes on a high stool next to me and started .
17 I could have vomited with fear and had difficulty controlling my breathing at the silent horrors my master described .
18 It was impossible to imagine a people — ; I do not say a government — with less relish for war , if my contacts with the Italian colonists and equally with the Italian army were any guide .
19 Forced to listen to all those hoary chestnuts that cast me and my kind as the bad guys , and the butt of all the jokes .
20 ‘ He warned me that I 'd never get much credit — that people would be dismissive of my part in the great tradition , ’ said Carrick .
21 He would fight my case to the bitter end , he vowed .
22 For you , my children , my only defence , my protection against the cruel winds of fate , what do you do ?
23 He told them , ‘ Everyone had a codename in those days and , because of my admiration for the Irish struggle for Independence , I chose ‘ Michael ’ , a name I called myself after Michael Collins . ’
24 I yield to no one in my admiration for the great Iron Duke himself , but my favourite general of the Napoleonic wars was General Kutuzov .
25 As for my right hon. Friend 's personal position , may I express my admiration for the frank and manly way in which he has offered his resignation ?
26 In travelling around Australia I soon found out there was not too much of my kind of thing — little enough that feel within my category of the picturesque .
27 And the knowledge was dampening my shirt with the clammy sweat of anxiety .
28 My quizzing about the intellectual world which I was about to enter with some trepidation left him with a wry smile , which puzzled me for some time after , as my naïvety about the world of further education lasted well into my early days in college .
29 An enormous boxer hurled himself on me in delight , clawing at my chest with the biggest , horniest feet I had seen for a long time .
30 ‘ She was clearly my mistress in the Swiss hotel , though he did n't name her .
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