Example sentences of "about [pers pn] in [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Stanley was accused by natives of practising evil magic because he was observed writing about them in a book .
2 I read about them in a book , ’ she said .
3 Even if you have problems , there is very little you can do about them in the middle of the night .
4 Try looking at people , objects and places as if you are seeing them for the first time without being influenced by what you have known about them in the past .
5 BBC television 's reporter on the Prime Minister 's election tour , Mr John Simpson — an embodiment of the communicating class — wrote about them in the Spectator with special rage .
6 A man as highly educated as Augustine changed his mind about them in the course of his life .
7 ‘ It 's just that you do get rather obsessive about them in the city .
8 If your client is in a trade , say baking , then you must deal with his trade journals , Clients are sensitive enough about what is said about them in the consumer press but when negatives appear in their own trade journal , the sparks fly at your next client meeting .
9 For it was precisely this idea that he promoted when he exhibited the drawings at his Gallery 291 , beginning in late May 1916 , and when he wrote about them in an issue of Camera Work the following October .
10 " Everything written about me in the law of Moses and the prophets and the psalms must be fulfilled . "
11 He seemed to have forgotten about me in the middle of his sentence .
12 He and I had had a heart to heart in the hotel following some comments supposedly made by him about me in the press , more particularly in the Sun .
13 Is everyone talking about me in the shack ?
14 But you also show great restraint over a lot of the stuff that 's written about you in the press , a lot of which is ill-informed gossip .
15 Do n't become disenchanted when you fail , keep on striving forward , keep your ego under control and never believe the things people write about you in the press ! ’
16 But Anne said ‘ Frank , there 's something about you in the paper .
17 The taxi driver would n't have turned up if he had n't read about you in the paper .
18 I read about you in the evening paper .
19 But beneath it she understood , accepted , found it far easier to hate him , when he fought her back to the bed , than to ignore him ; the bitings and scratchings of anger coming near enough to passion so that when he entered her again she found it possible , in her loathing , her detestation , her bitter resentment , to wrap her own strong , hard limbs about him in a grip designed to wound and crush him but which could also excite .
20 Anger could sweep across him like a storm cloud in fast motion and burst all about him in a fury of violently well-picked epithets .
21 It is precisely such a person who can be brought lowest by the hateful things that may be reported about him in a court of law .
22 People talk about him in the pub on Sundays .
23 I remember reading about him in the Standard . ’
24 Hawk had read about him in the newsfax , but rarely watched teevee , and so had never seen his face before .
25 He had no idea where he was , except that it must be somewhere in the wilds of Wales , well hidden from any possibility of rescue ; and he took his first unwilling look about him in the conviction that captivity could mean nothing better than solitude , close confinement and squalor .
26 ‘ We 've been a team for ever , and they 'll say things like , ‘ If we 're no going to learn a lot more about this character , why do we have so much about him in the beginning ? ’
27 Old Den turned the horse and looked about him in the yard .
28 This had been the root of so many of her fantasies about him in the past , fantasies that involved her having power over him .
29 ( If anyone wants to see prescience in its purest form , they might read quotations from Woodcock 's writing in my obituary article about him in the Dictionary of National Biography . )
30 It was a mark of the respect Jimmy gained here that , when we ran an article about him in the Spring of 1977 in our Palace Programme , it evoked a larger response from our fans than any other in that series .
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