Example sentences of "about [pron] all [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 And I can tell you something , I do n't want to talk about them all the time .
2 Hopefully he would n't feel compelled to talk about them all the time as well .
3 Sorry about having a go at you two about talking about me all the time but I mean that 's the w that 's , that 's the impression I 've always got .
4 Someone like James for , how long did that go on for , for about a month , when he could n't he stop talking about me all the time it was sort of like , you know , I like this , you know what I mean , he was talking
5 You think about the person all the time , I think about you all the time , that 's what you say .
6 I think she really took a fancy to you — talked about you all the time when I saw her last summer .
7 The children talk about you all the time : when we are down in the shelter , which we still are , often , they keep saying they wish Uncle Walter was here , to make it entertaining .
8 ‘ I think about you all the time , ’ he went on .
9 Oh talk about you all the time ?
10 You can be nice with a slight edge of cynicism like Ludovic Kennedy , Alan Whicker or Desmond Lynam but , in adult television at least , being pleasant about everything all the time is best left to constitutional monarchs .
11 Round him , she was talkative in order to provoke him into replying , and the attempt made her a habitual confessor , though she would have been amazed if she had been charged with talking about herself all the time .
12 He smiled and began to climb the slope again , slowly , looking about him all the while , his eyes taking in the ruins , the distant , cloud-wreathed mountains , the two horses grazing just below them .
13 She talked about him all the way home .
14 I do n't know what I 'm going to think about if I 'm not going to worry about him all the time .
15 But I think about him all the time .
16 How odd , Alec thought , I 've been thinking about her all the time since I came here , trying to think of some way of seeing her again .
17 He worried about her all the time , he was even jealous of Hepzibah because she was looking after her and he was n't !
18 He found himself thinking about her all the time .
19 Even in the morning you know just talks about it all the while and then we never get the work actually started or finished .
20 Penny and her Second , Sylvia , talked about it all the way to the corner where Sylvia turned off for home , and Penny only remembered her lost budgie again when Sylvia said goodbye and added : ‘ I do hope you find Kelpie soon , Penny . ’
21 ‘ I 've been thinking about it all the way back from your cottage and I believe I 've got just a tiny little bit of an idea . ’
22 He thought about it all the way up to Hill House .
23 Britons complain about it all the time : nominal interest rates at 15–20% , depending on the borrower , make most managers believe that their capital costs more than anybody 's .
24 One goes on about it all the time , saying she must go on a diet , and start jogging and stuff , the other one does n't .
25 You worry about it all the time , and every manager 's the same .
26 ‘ But I 'm learning about it all the time , ’ said Angalo .
27 I asked myself that question on many occasions and wondered how I was supposed to refresh his and other people 's memories without risking the accusation of going on about it all the time .
28 ‘ Boys do n't really discuss sex themselves apart from a few who brag about it all the time .
29 ‘ You hear about it all the time , my lord . ’
30 It was a technological triumph and a magnificent intelligence coup , or would have been had the Russians not know about it all the time .
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