Example sentences of "about [pron] [art] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 He 's worried about them the whole time .
2 ‘ But I never felt remorse about them the same way I did about him .
3 Even Emilia is deceived by his concern on behalf of Cassio : ‘ I warrant it grieves my husband/As if the case were his ’ — ‘ O , that 's an honest fellow ’ , agrees Desdemona ( III.iii.3ff. ) . in Much Ado about Nothing the villainous Borachio , tool of the malcontent Don John , exults at the success of his deception : ‘ I have deceived even your very eyes ’ n.i.238f . ) .
4 I looked wildly about me a hundred times , unable to think what to do ; then I threw my coat on over my nightdress , pulled woollen socks over the wool trousers I wore to protect me from the cold , and ran to the door , without listening to what his friend was trying to say to me .
5 They call me that , she thought , when they are talking about me , for they talk about me a great deal even when I am there .
6 The background of one was recognizably Santa de Nogueira , and she was locked in struggle with an ordinary-looking man about whom a dark cloud was gathering .
7 The Weathermen , about whom the underground filmmaker Emile De Antonio made a sympathetic documentary in 1977 , took their title from the protest song by Bob Dylan : ‘ You Do n't Need A Weatherman To Know Which Way The Wind Blows . ’
8 On the face of it , a man about whom the whole world knew , whose life was an open book — no , a succession of books .
9 It is even odder that many of the people about whom the hon. Gentleman expresses concern are precisely those who would suffer from Labour 's proposed savings tax .
10 However , it became apparent during the consultation that separate charges would have borne most heavily on those about whom the hon. Lady is concerned — people in rural areas .
11 Now the son , Paul , would replace this patriarch merchant , about whom the kindest words an outsider might have offered were that he had an ability to survive and prosper and stay as far away from conflict as possible .
12 But this low-born de Burgh , this double man despite himself , even while he leaned back greedily , hankering after lands with the ambition of the landless , even while he envied the de Blundevilles and the Marshalls and composed about himself a synthetic replica of their hereditary splendour , yet saw England by glimpses as Isambard saw it , an empire not decomposing and falling to insecure tatters like the Emperor 's sprawling hold , but compact as a clenched fist , solvent as a Jew 's treasury and self-sufficient as a well-run manor , a power not hemmed in but completed and transmitted by the sea .
13 A good example is the construction of teeth , about which a certain amount is known .
14 As we shall see in Chapter 5 , this is a large and complicated area of discussion about which a great deal has recently been said .
15 The issues which will inevitably come up in one form or another include ‘ no first use ’ of nuclear weapons , about which a good deal has been written , not least in No-First-Use ( Blackaby et al . ,
16 Hypotheses which are worth testing can only be developed in areas about which a good deal is known , i.e. where a great deal of empirical field data has already been collected .
17 Uncertainty extends also to the question of Molla Yegan 's death date , about which a wide divergence of opinion has grown up amongst the various sources , who give dates ranging from 840/1436–7 to 878/1473–4 .
18 It has often struck me that remedial classes everywhere in the school system are heavily populated with boys needing help with their language development , yet when able girls slide down in mathematics , that is generally considered as something ‘ natural ’ about which no active steps need be taken .
19 The rain having petered out for a while , we all went out to stare at the sunset , about which the two poets made lurid remarks .
20 I wonder how long he would last in the emasculated Audit Commission about which the Labour party has talked .
21 In such cases the animal is living in its past , a past about which the new owner knows little or nothing .
22 The alleged mortgage rescue scheme about which the hon. Gentleman boasts was described this morning by an independent commentator as ’ a policy made in an Enid Blyton story book ’ —
23 I am afraid that that is not the view of the Association of British Chambers of Commerce , about which the hon. Gentleman asks .
24 I can not think of a more patsy , unquestioning system better designed to produce the cosy relationship about which the hon. Gentleman so frequently speaks .
25 I am confident that these issues are something about which the hon. Gentleman knows absolutely nothing .
26 I turn now to the information that is held on the national computer about which the hon. Gentleman asked a number of questions .
27 We are providing ample Committee time for consideration of evidence of the type about which the hon. Gentleman is talking .
28 Those of us who work with refugees recognise how stretched are the resources of the United Nations , particularly those for the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees , and those who have responsibility for coping with the enormous problems about which the hon. Member for Islington , North ( Mr. Corbyn ) has just spoken .
29 Such contests permit ‘ horse race journalism ’ ; they make possible endless speculation about who the front runner is , who the dark horses are and who has fallen at what fence , all of which helps to make television news broadcasts more exciting and enter-taining than they would otherwise be .
30 ‘ The graves are there , fair enough , but there 's no mistake about who the three geezers in cold storage here are either .
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