Example sentences of "time to [art] [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Things were helped by the fact that he was moving home again — this time to a flat in Farley Court over Baker Street station , close to the London Planetarium near Baker Street .
2 Now the dismal retailing market has moved in where the OFT has not — pre-tax profits are predicted to fall from £112m last time to a loss of £72m for the year to January 31 .
3 It is not intended to place her in such a state of independence as might seduce her to devote her time to the idleness of Poetry …
4 He simply announced that although Edward V had been recognized as the rightful heir , this was only because men were ‘ then ignorant of the very sure and true title which our sovereign lord that now is , king Richard III , hath and had the same time to the crown of England ’ .
5 He simply announced that although Edward V had been recognized as the rightful heir , this was only because men were ‘ then ignorant of the very sure and true title which our sovereign lord that now is , king Richard III , hath and had the same time to the crown of England ’ .
6 It was notable that , in his introductory speech , the Home Secretary devoted very little time to the content of the Bill and scarcely sought to justify it .
7 Ministering to their spiritual needs would be a full time job , he said , and he offered to devote the major part of this time to the work for the period of the war .
8 define a multidisciplinary clinical team as having professionals from different disciplines giving a significant portion of their time to the work of the group .
9 ‘ Two Priests up the Jungle ’ ( which is what Old Fish Sparks sings from time to time to the tune of Red Sails in the Sunset ) — sure , but it 's about the sort of conflict running through human life in every time and every civilization .
10 Even Isaac Newton ( 1642–1727 ) , although not directly influenced by Joachim , devoted much of his time to the correlation of prophecy , history , and the end of the world .
11 Wealth was , however , not the only factor discussed by Veblen , and it is of particular interest that he ends his account of the leisure class with a chapter on ‘ The higher learning as an expression of pecuniary culture ’ , and with an emphasis on Classics as the key at that time to the concept of high culture .
12 During the relaying of this track , the Marton trams operated in a complete circle , returning to Talbot Square via Royal Oak and Lytham Road , while the St. Annes blue cars were diverted for the first time to the Promenade at Talbot Square .
13 But Greenpeace noted that the British government 's willingness to sign the convention as it stood was a fundamental shift in policy in that it had agreed for the first time to the elimination in principle of dangerous chemicals .
14 For Simon , it was like stepping back in time to the turn of the century .
15 For Simon , it was like stepping back in time to the turn of the century .
16 She has devoted her time to the survey of the wreck of an East Indiaman lying off Weymouth ; once captained by William Wordsworth 's brother , the ship went down in 1805 .
17 As English Captain I am obviously delighted that I will have access one more time to the cream of the young talent who will turn pro in 1992 and in the future .
18 He was told to imagine that he had travelled back in time to the afternoon of the abduction and was watching the events unfold on a television documentary .
19 Their report , published by the Worldwide Fund for Nature ( WWF ) , draws on climate data made available for the first time to the West by the Chinese Academy of Meteorological Sciences .
20 IT IS arguable that successive British Governments , although paying lip service from time to time to the notion of being able to change the institutions of the EEC ‘ from within ’ , have never in reality held out much hope of doing so ; rather , perhaps , has it been their true intent to use the institutions of the EEC to shape the policy of Europe in their own image .
21 Terry was still making League appearances for us in 1968–69 when Palace again gained promotion , this time to the elite of the 1st Division but , to his disappointment and the chagrin of all Palace followers , he was never able to turn out for us in Division One .
22 In another presidential address , this time to the Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues , Stotland ( 1977 ) spoke on the topic of ‘ white-collar criminals ’ and argued that although we were beginning to know something about the people who commit white-collar and corporate crime , we ought to intensify our efforts .
23 For them the answer to the question of interpretation , and at the same time to the question of evaluation , is provided by the concept of structure ; good literature or poetry is distinguished from bad literature or non-literature by an objective structure of meaning , the balancing or reconciliation of opposing attitudes or terms .
24 The over-straining in capital expenditure : ( 1 ) will not be accompanied by actual construction to a corresponding extent ; ( 2 ) will lead in time to the curtailment of work already under way ; ( 3 ) will react unfavourably on other branches of production ; ( 4 ) will exacerbate the goods famine in every direction ; and ( 5 ) will finally retard the speed of development .
25 Love is giving your time to the person for whom you care .
26 All of us are living in a diaspora twice removed — that is , our ancestors were already immigrants when we were born , and we , or our families , have repeated it again , going this time to the country of our past colonial masters .
27 It was as if Jack had stepped back in time to the scene of an earlier age .
28 In the same year , however , it was again sold , this time to the Earl of Burlington and it remained in the Burlington family for many years .
29 FOR 25 years Marjorie MacRae has devoted much of her spare time to the teaching of Scottish country dancing .
30 The school owed much at this time to the support of William Smyth , Bishop of Lincoln , who was one of the founders of Brasenose College in 1509 .
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