Example sentences of "time [Wh adv] [pron] [verb] [adv prt] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ We were about twenty minutes altogether from the point where we realized they could n't get us down to the time when we stepped on to the roof .
2 Ollie remember that time when we beat up Paul in ?
3 Probably because they had n't re-used they got there by two or three or four years time when they came on to the next level of management the junior management erm we did this with them again and you would begin to find certain skills had evolved and certain certain team strengths had arisen because they do change over the years .
4 Over these erm past couple of weeks we 've been looking at er some of the questions in the New Testament , we thought a couple of weeks back of the question that Jesus asked his disciples , do you think I 'm able to do this and then last week we looked at a question that the disciples put to Jesus , that time when they came down from the mountain and they found the re , three of them came down with Jesus from the mountain of transfiguration and they found the other disciples with a man who and a , whose son was demon possessed and er they had been unable to help him and the man or brings his son to Jesus and Jesus delivers him and afterwards the disciples who had been so helpless put the question to Jesus , why could we not cast out this demon and this morning I 'd like us to look at another question , we 've got another one today and one God willing next week , er and the question is , is found in Luke chapter thirteen , let me just read a few verses , because of course it 's , it 's not just the questions , it 's the answers that are important as well in Luke chapter thirteen , gon na read from verse twenty two it says in Jesus was passing through from one city and village to another , teaching and proceeding on his way to Jerusalem now that gives us a clue in that , because Jesus only ever went to Jerusalem apart from when he was a boy , he only ever went to Jerusalem once and that , after since that time , and that was when he was crucified , so Jesus was now on his way to Jerusalem , it was the latter days , the latter weeks of the life of Jesus , he was making his way now to Jerusalem and someone said to him Lord are there just a few who are being saved and Jesus said to hi , to them , strive to enter by the narrow door for many I tell you will seek to enter and will not be able , once the head of the house gets up and shuts the door and you begin to stand outside and knock on the door saying Lord open to us , then he will answer and say to you I do not know where you are from , then you will begin to say we ate and drank in your presence and you taught in our streets , and he will say I tell you I do not know where you are from , depart from me all you evil doers , there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth there , when you see Abraham and Isaac and Jacob and all the profits in the kingdom of God , but yourselves being cast out and they will come from East and West and from North and South and will recline at the table in the Kingdom of God , and behold some ar some are last who will be first and some are first who will be last , so it 's just that question then , let's remind ourselves that is put to Jesus Lord are there just a few who are being saved
5 We do n't even have sex on holiday , when from what some of my friends with young children say , that seems to be a time when they catch up .
6 We 're working at things which the players might not appreciate at the moment but they will in 10 years time when they look back on what they have achieved .
7 It happens that what we 've done is we 've taken it and hung it on the starlight , the magic of starlight — how wonderful it is , how much you can tell from just looking at a star through a telescope and measuring the light that comes out of it , and this takes us into realms of why a star shines ; what do you mean by time when you go back millions of years into the universe lifetime ; what do you mean , why do stars shine with different colours .
8 Did you have a good time when you went up to King 's Lynn ?
9 He was also keen to return North and Lawrence wasted no time when he took over at Ayresome Park .
10 There came a time when he doubled back after the others had gone on the trail taking their cyan hardness with them .
11 The surge did n't last too long and Newton slid in his first goal seven minutes later and grabbed his second five minutes from time when he finished off a sweeping , decisive move involving Dennis Wise and Stuart .
12 This time when he came back in to see her , the air was darkest around his form , but when he grinned over the noise of the men in the room behind the door — a woman 's laugh punctured the air beyond — and he sat down peaceably at the foot of her bed , the blue paled to a translucence like a robin 's egg .
13 Though this time when he went on , he was to leave her speechless and open-mouthed .
14 This time when she looked up he was watching her .
15 ‘ Maybe it was practising , ’ Jenna said shortly , and this time when she walked off he let her go .
16 it is radical because at the time when I took over we needed to be radical .
17 Put it back up and I 'll nail it up some time when I bring up erm , I 'll bring up a hammer
18 It is that time when I gather up all that has happened in my day , and all that is going to happen today .
19 It was getting on for ‘ good night ’ time when I fell in with an old lady who complained that the naughty children of Sligo pulled her ivy down and swore at her .
20 But this time when I go back I mean to stay and die there , because , let me tell you ’ — she wagged her finger first at the Colonel and then at Reginald — ‘ there 's a time coming when there 'll be no France and very little England , or any place else . ’
21 On a dinner time when I go out on a dinner time I leave it on .
22 Erm now , something that puzzled me for quite a long time when I started out doing philosophy of language er one or two years ago erm frequently you hear claims or we hear claims to the effect that this is a logical form of this sentence or this is the structure of this sentence , or this is the semantic structure of this sentence and I was never quite sure what that actually meant erm it 's partly because apart from Davidson , erm a lot of people who write on these issues do n't actually tell you what the background theory is and exactly what the point of the assignment of structured sentences is supposed to be , erm however after thinking about it for a while , I 've arrived at the following following general view there are at least three rather different enterprises er which might lead you to assign sentence structure and er one needs to figure out the relations between them .
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