Example sentences of "time [noun prp] was [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 They all say it 's time Hawkwood was put on the map against that Greycoats .
2 A that time David was going through a period when he would n't fly , which was a pretty smart ploy because it gained you a lot of time between gigs , as you have to travel by some sort of surface transportation .
3 By this time CBR was originating at least half a dozen full-orchestra shows to the national network weekly and we were coming into ‘ the golden era ’ of Canadian radio network production .
4 Whereas his parting from Sandra had been ‘ sensibly negotiated ’ , this time Nicholson was left with what was , for him , an odd feeling of what he termed being ‘ dumped on ’ .
5 At the time Jeanne was fascinated by Foujita , the diminutive Japanese artist , who wore gold ear-rings to set off his owl-shaped face and a toga he had woven himself under the influence of Raymond Duncan 's Greek worship .
6 By the time Darwin was working on the Origin of Species , the man who was to become his great opponent in the USA , Louis Agassiz , was using diagrams to show how the various families of fish had flourished and declined through the geological epochs ; and in his handsome volumes of 1857 , Contributions to the Natural History of the United States , I and II , he included a plate of turtles to show the range of variation within a species .
7 During Spenser 's time Ireland was inhabited by three distinct groups .
8 At this time Hyderabad was governed by a Nizam who , through a special relationship with the British crown , operated a feudal system of patronage , granting land to political allies .
9 At this time Singapore was reported to be one of Myanma 's main suppliers of arms and ammunition .
10 By the time Allende was ousted in September 1973 therefore , the economy was in a state of chaos .
11 Sunday 's the last time Joseph was seen in school .
12 All the time Tabitha was listening with half an ear to the deep , slow throb of the engines , the background buzzes and creaks of the Alice Liddell in transit .
13 Most of the time Harry was playing for Crystal Palace we were a Third Division club and so it is not surprising that most of the great achievements to which he helped to take us were in the FA Cup .
14 Hedgerows existed in Saxon times and by the time Domesday was commissioned in 1086 the boundaries of parishes were so firmly fixed that William 's Norman officials were able to calculate within close limits , the exact area of thousands of settlements and their capacity to contribute to the royal exchequer !
15 On arriving home at lunch time Ron was confronted with the owner of the purloined petrol , who stated he had been advised to prosecute , but in view of them being ex POWs , he would take no action .
16 At this time Miller was acting in an advisory capacity , as recorded in the Memoranda Book of John , Fourth Duke of Bedford ( Woburn Mss HMC 62 , extract above ) : ‘ March 13 1740/1 agreed with Mr. Miller to pay him Twenty Guineas a year for inspecting my Gardens hot houses , pruning the trees , etc. and to come to Woburn at least twice a year and oftner if wanted , to be paid at Lady Day yearly . ’
17 He was fortunate to be seen as an anti-appeaser by the time Chamberlain was negotiating with Hitler and coercing the Czechs into surrender during the Czechoslovakian crisis of September 1938 .
18 In his time Dawson was viewed as an exemplar of ‘ that great class of men ’ who provided ‘ the driving power to British science — the thinking , observant amateur ’ .
19 It seems that once upon a time OS/2 was going to be the real version of Windows , but Microsoft changed its mind and decided to go it alone .
20 At the time Cook was concentrating on smaller , more select parties which left a gap in the market for larger tours .
21 In normal circumstances this would not have mattered , but at the time Rhodesia was meant to be enduring the most severe and effective economic sanctions , particularly with regard to the supply of oil .
22 By the time Andrew was awakened by his sister Gillian Parry battering on the door of the house in Newton Street , Southport after calling in on her way to work , the lounge was burning fiercely .
23 In the parliament of 1371 two Austin friars argued that in a national emergency the prince who has endowed the churches may resume their property for the good of the realm ; about this time Langland was enlarging in Piers Plowman upon Holy Poverty , as were so many friars in their sermons ; before the end of the reign Wyclif , spokesman for Gaunt , especially against his wealthy political enemy , Bishop Wykeham of Winchester , was denying the right of priests to hold any property .
24 At the time Barnard was working for the National Computing Centre , a quasi-governmental organisation in Manchester .
25 By this time Lutyens was drawing on every menu card available — not even the napkins and tablecloths escaped — enthusiastically filling them with plans and designs .
26 At this time Luke was living in a two-bedroom apartment on Yokum Drive .
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