Example sentences of "have [to-vb] the [noun] in " in BNC.

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1 Since , under English law , the bank was not in contractual privity with the carrier until the bank took delivery of the goods , if the ship and cargo were lost the bank would have to sue the carrier in tort .
2 In this case mobility between firms is constrained because labour may have to sacrifice the growth in earnings they could expect if they remained with their current firm .
3 Mains transformers seem to be the main cause of problems , and I suppose that when building power supplies you do so sometimes have to connect the transformer in an apparently illogical manner .
4 ‘ Well , I was influenced by AM radio all the time I was growing up , which was all the great '50s rock'n'roll , and I suppose I would have to include The Beatles in that .
5 However , actions may be challenged by others with hindsight and an engineer may have to establish the facts in the face of a hostile situation .
6 Advance planning makes it possible to write the essay in sections and put the sections together only at the end — with the result that you do not have to write the sections in the order in which they will finally appear .
7 An objective duty to balance potentially conflicting interests would present the courts with a near-impossible task and hence it is impracticable to impose one : not only would the court need to assess the likely impact on each group of a contested business policy , both in the short and long term , but also it would have to evaluate the policy in accordance with a theory which stipulated when one set of interests should prevail over the others .
8 As we are trying to keep the whole publication as simple as possible this means that we 'll use Times again but if your page printer is n't a PostScript device you may have to create the title in a graphics package and import it .
9 ‘ I may even have to sell the house in Ladbroke Grove to pay for the losses . ’
10 One of the attractions about Indycar racing is that Mansell will not have to cross the world in wearying pursuit of Grand Prix glory .
11 They 'd have to walk the road in both directions , and it would take them some time .
12 If a manufacturer buys in pepperoni to use as part of the topping for this pizza , he does not have to list the ingredients in that pepperoni as long as the pepperoni constitutes less than 25% of the weight of the total pizza .
13 In many cases , as where the persons entitled are not of age , or not yet in existence , or not to be found , an executor or administrator will have to retain the property in his hands for a considerable time , though he may sometimes relieve himself by a payment or transfer into court , and in any case he can obtain the direction of the courts when doubts arise as to the proper course which he should take .
14 He would have to use the phone in the hall .
15 But the obvious advantage of having an injection , is you do n't have to put the sheep in a bath , but the disadvantage is you 've got the residues which last us slightly longer .
16 Because this does not fit with preconceived notions of , say , electricity distribution or the postal service , we will have to qualify the result in various ways , in order to realize the extent of its truth .
17 You would have to orbit the moon in a one-man craft to get into position .
18 If you are using LIFESPAN across a network , then you will have to repeat the steps in this section on each of the additional VAXs from which you intend to access LIFESPAN .
19 If you are using LIFESPAN across a network , then you will have to repeat the steps in this section on each of the additional VAXs from which you intend to access LIFESPAN .
20 If you are using LIFESPAN across a network , then you will have to repeat the steps in this section on each of the additional VAXs from which you intend to access LIFESPAN .
21 ‘ Will you have to mention the discrepancy in my story — you know , my confusion about when I last saw my father — ? ’
22 That is still the government 's public view , but it is understood that privately ministers have conceded they may have to change the law in three or four years .
23 ‘ That is why we will have to change the squad in the summer , ’ he said .
24 In order to achieve this they may from time to time have to change the form in order to preserve the meaning .
25 Oh if I was me and I was on my own I 'd ha I 'd have to have the telly in the bedroom .
26 The assignee may have to join the assignor in any proceedings he brings against the bank , but this is a pragmatic procedural requirement and does not affect the assignee 's substantive right to the assigned part of the debt .
27 ‘ I am afraid you will have to spend the night in the men 's guardroom .
28 At this point , Alf Jacobson entered the room to inform us that when he rang the Canadian Pacific Railway to check on the 9.15pm train by which Mr Murray and party were to travel to Regina , he was informed that the train was held up at Swift Current because of the blizzard , and that it would seem the CBC party might have to spend the night in Moose Jaw .
29 However , you will have to advertise the property in the press which will cost a fair amount of money , and arrange the printing of the property details .
30 But such activities — advertising and the like — are costly , and the raider may have to improve the offer in order to get sufficient shareholders to agree , which lessens the raider 's own return .
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