Example sentences of "have [vb pp] him [conj] [art] " in BNC.

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1 If this had not happened nothing could have stopped him and the whole party would have been dragged down after him .
2 Thus the letter to the shop manager should have instructed him that the goods should not be exposed or displayed or offered for sale without the label first being removed .
3 Thirdly , the Jacobite Guinea should have convinced him that the thief intended to keep his side of the bargain .
4 Only an agreed statement of his rights vis-à-vis the Christians of the Ottoman Empire would have convinced him that the game had been worth the candle .
5 Rational judgement might have told him that the nation 's plight was hopeless , but his was the vision of an avenging prophet .
6 It would have helped him if the two most awkward customers in the political equation — Sinn Fein and the DUP — had been given a drubbing by the SDLP and the Ulster Unionists respectively .
7 Sober reflection would have shown him that the sensible procedure would have been to phone the police and get them to ask the Bomb Disposal Squad to come and check the bag out .
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