Example sentences of "have [vb pp] [to-vb] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The plant , which would have cost between £1,100 million and £1,700 million , had already been backed by the cabinet , but was rejected by MPs on environmental grounds , despite the boost it would have given to recession-hit Finnish industry .
2 In no manner could they have delayed to ambush poor Irvine . ’
3 Both these cat families were in zoos , where the proximity of the male was forced on the female and where , if anywhere , one might have expected to see tom-cat aggression towards the young .
4 Hence , they might both have expected to receive considerable support from such sources .
5 Had this been a function for Chedworth , one might at least have expected to find suitable tools .
6 It appears to be in the early stages of transition into a red giant and normally we would not have expected to find intelligent life anywhere within its field of influence . ’
7 By building up an army of individual shareholders the Conservatives may well have expected to gain political support .
8 In the first case , fieldworkers may have wished to retain certain functions , such as working directly with children and young people , as their prerogative , because they considered themselves to be better trained to undertake these tasks , albeit with limited time at their disposal and with , in some instances , limited skills .
9 For instance , the standard of merchantable quality of secondhand or shop-soiled goods is clearly less than of brand new goods , and a vendor who spells out that he is selling secondhand or shop-soiled goods is still warranting conformance with description , but it is a different description from the one he would have applied to brand new goods .
10 The prospect of such a deal may have helped to boost Colombian exports to Mexico by 27% last year .
11 A declining agricultural workforce may also have helped to convince local interests there was no real demand for rural council housing .
12 The Anti-Corn Law League may have helped to secure Whig support but what Peel himself called in a letter to Cobden his " 'sense of public duty " was more influential . "
13 Most patients ( 718/769 ) would have preferred to use postcoital contraception than experience an unplanned pregnancy .
14 It is almost certain that he would have had to take evasive action to miss Roddymoor 's houses and likely too that he tried to make a pond to douse the licking flames .
15 Had they not had such a resource at their disposal some might have had to forego particular orders , others might have been obliged to withdraw entirely from certain markets , whilst still others would have been less willing to innovate with new products offering chances of survival or expansion .
16 Even the villains speak truly of their villainy , like Iago in Otello , but he , Davide , would have had to make false speeches to client and judge , had he taken the fees for claiming some rickety starveling was the landowner scholar come back to earth .
17 They might at least have stayed to offer moral support !
18 The General Medical Services Committee 's working party seems to have been unconcerned about how the public and politicians might view its proposals — otherwise it would not have proposed to increase professional control over a system already under challenge for partiality , lack of openness , and professional control .
19 But in the circumstances of 1483 an immediate accession may have seemed to offer real advantages .
20 But in the circumstances of 1483 an immediate accession may have seemed to offer real advantages .
21 The regime perhaps had little choice but to win support by making grants of land which might otherwise have gone to augment royal resources , and Mortimer and Isabella rapidly ran through the very substantial treasure inherited from Edward II .
22 Since Leapor , according to Freemantle , destroyed much of her juvenilia , it is possible she would have wanted to exercise similar judgement over the publication of her two volumes .
23 Rigid adherence to the letter of their instructions by commissioners can only have served to obscure important aspects of the structure of landholding .
24 Among the mechanisms that may have evolved to resolve genetic conflicts are sex , Mendelian genetics , the existence of two sexes , the rarity of hermaphroditism and the equality of the sex ratio .
25 The lack of spatial learning with moving landmarks suggests that spatial learning processes may have evolved to extract geometric invariance from the environment in a manner analogous to that in which conventional associative learning principles are held to extract the ‘ causal structure ’ of the environment .
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