Example sentences of "have [verb] a [noun] to " in BNC.

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1 Erm I do n't know if if I 'm right in saying , but I think they may have given a tip to other people like er the chore boy , there used to be a chore boy .
2 ‘ My father would n't have given a lift to anyone .
3 ‘ You 'll have to wear a skirt to the office . ’
4 Joanne often felt that she could have taught a topic to the whole class in a fraction of the time it was taking them to find it out for themselves .
5 Well all I can suggest is the case is adjourned for the week we 'll just have to arrange a solicitor to be here .
6 The decision is justified on the grounds that there was no guarantee that the plaintiff would receive any of the fine and that Parliament could not have intended a workman to be deprived of the chance to seek compensation for his injuries .
7 ‘ Had either Syria or the Palestinians been shown to be involved , ’ he said , ‘ it would have added a complication to the peace conference , perhaps provoking an Israeli walk-out . ’
8 English mathematics had been in a contemptible state for so long that one could hardly have expected a solution to such an important problem to come from that quarter .
9 Such a transfer will be appropriate whether the property was held by the husband and wife as beneficial joint tenants or as tenants in common : in the latter case , as the transfer to the husband and wife will not have contained a declaration to the effect that the survivor of them could give a good receipt for capital monies , a restriction will have automatically been entered on the register to the effect that no disposition by a sole proprietor of the land ( not being a trust corporation ) under which capital money arises is to be registered except under an order of the registrar or of the court ( Land Registration Act 1925 , s58(3) and Land Registration Rules 1925 , r213 as amended by Land Registration Rules 1989 ( SI No 801 ) ) .
10 If Puddephat had been at the flat in Paris on Friday evening , he could hardly have squeezed a trip to Germany in between .
11 The Home Secretary had previously informed the Cabinet that he would have included a provision to this effect in the Bill if he had not thought it preferable to leave it to the Lords to take the initiative .
12 Indeed , if the Canterbury claims were as well founded as Anselm believed , anything less than a general authority over the whole British Isles would have done a violence to the early history of the see as it was understood at Canterbury , and to the large geographical and historical conceptions which lay behind these claims .
13 The food was impeccably tasteful , wine excellent , speeches fine : undeniably last was best with Sue Solomon dressed like an exuberant garden , released from her barrister 's black and white reminding us of DameJanet 's odd stress when asking us ( long ago of course ) to give three cheers for Mrs Gandhi ‘ Somerville 's first woman Prime Minister ’ — Sue added ‘ I sincerely trust that Somervillians of the future will never have to drink a toast to Somerville 's first male P.M. ! ’
14 Nor do I think this matters because , since the decision of [ the House of Lords ] in Hedley Byrne & Co v Heller & Partners Ltd [ 1964 ] AC 465 , it is clear that quite apart from any contractual obligation , the respondents must have owed a duty to [ both shareholders ] to use reasonable skill and care in making their valuation .
15 The public had a right to be properly informed , which could only be denied them if it appeared absolutely certain that the article would have presented a threat to judicial authority .
16 A solicitor for the Robinson family said that the staff at the hospital should have made a call to the Southern General .
17 In choosing your background materials you will already have made a commitment to a particular colour .
18 The lack of a licence in Barlow Clowes ' early years may or may not have made a difference to the way investors ' funds were handled during that time .
19 Not , in truth , that she expected any , important or otherwise , but it would have made a difference to the day .
20 If you have not been adequately consulted , and a tribunal is satisfied that consultation could have made a difference to the redundancy decision , there is a good chance that you will succeed in an unfair dismissal claim and be entitled to compensation .
21 For one thing , there would be problems in establishing causation : showing that steps that a more energetic management might have taken would have made a difference to the company 's position would involve an assessment of complex and often imponderable factors .
22 But surely they too would have preferred a decision to an indefinite postponement .
23 But there are always one or two who would have preferred a colleague to a stranger even if they hated his guts .
24 This close association of Church and Party may well have had a cost to the Church in limiting recruitment to people who are not committed supporters of the Official Unionist Party but , given that the DUP support is twenty times the size of the Free Church and that there is a large uncommitted population , this is probably not something which explains why more people do not join the Free Church .
25 Mr Thomson said Mr Wilson could not have got a bus to the area where he was found , which more than a mile from a road , and he could not have walked the distance on his own .
26 Since he did not have the physical strength of most of the others , this was important for him and must have contributed a lot to his effectiveness .
27 She kept trying to trample them , slam the door , but he kept kicking it back open and sooner or later she 'd have to put a name to her feelings , and she was afraid , so afraid , that the name was love … but it must n't be , she thought savagely ; it ca n't be .
28 Mr Dass could n't understand how a set of curtains for the stage at the Easter Fete could have driven a boy to such ends .
29 The arrival of a new host in the form of the azure-winged magpie must therefore have seemed a godsend to the oft-thwarted cuckoo .
30 From Major Erickson 's viewpoint it must have seemed a blessing to be rid of him .
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