Example sentences of "have [verb] [prep] a [adj] " in BNC.

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31 Afterwards he said : ‘ The magistrates have refused to issue a summons so I will have to go to a higher court .
32 ‘ The greatest thing is telling him there is no point going to his mainstream school any longer if he is not going to get around and that he 'll have to go to a special school — at which point he explodes in terror and starts to make special efforts .
33 If they can not agree it will have to go to a public inquiry .
34 I 'll have to go for a little walk .
35 Market estimates for yesterday 's intervention put the Bank 's purchases of pounds as high as $500m , and there were indications that the authorities may have intervened to a similar extent the day before , when sterling fell almost 6 pfennigs .
36 The müsellim would have no power to interfere with the right of the Serbs to collect taxes and , in cases where Christian subjects were being judged in the courts , the müsellim would have to sit with a Serbian knez .
37 She 'd never known any details ; she did n't know if the accident happened early on , or whether she would have to sit for a long time just waiting for the inevitable .
38 A six-footer behind some-one of the same size in the driver 's seat would have to sit in a splayed knees/bent neck posture .
39 The Environment Secretary , Chris Patten has agreed to alterations to the County 's structure plan , but it 's still not clear whether the Authority will have to proceed with a controversial scheme for a gravel pit at Finmere .
40 In the case of franchises and licences the business is not transferred by the vendor and the vendor will normally have to arrange for a new licence or franchise to be granted to the purchaser by the licensor or franchisor on the surrender of the vendor 's licence or franchise .
41 The consequence of what Nicholls may have intended as a politic and eirenical statement was suspension , degradation , and imprisonment .
42 If we 'd have put in a price based on A C scaled fees , we would have overspent by a hundred and fifty five percent .
43 Secure in your status at work , becoming a parent may cause confusion — a woman may have to adjust from a professional role to a maternal one , where her own needs become relegated ; a father may have to adjust to there being a new small person in the family who makes his role seem less significant .
44 The offeror and its financial advisers will therefore have to work to a large extent in isolation in determining the right level of consideration .
45 ‘ David Harrison was convinced that he would have won with a clear run and while it 's hard to be definite about that , he would certainly have been placed . ’
46 That kind of morale booster is infectious and they could well have won by a bigger margin .
47 ‘ If the turf had been hard , ’ he said , ‘ we 'd have won by a hundred yards , ’ and then elaborated about Sir Ivor :
48 It was with Rohde that Nietzsche had intended to spend the forthcoming year in Paris on what might have amounted to a non-classical refresher course .
49 You do n't have to stand in a classic karate or boxing stance to kick or punch someone .
50 His head was growing heavy , he would ask for some coffee when the waiter returned ; it was dark indoors , darker than he would have expected on a showery early summer afternoon , when the sun outside does not dazzle .
51 6d. , less than she could have expected from a modern royalty .
52 But , as it is , the 325i scrapes by as a comfortable four-seater with the proviso that four tall occupants will have to come to a front/rear legroom compromise that would n't even need to think about in a Peugeot 405 .
53 Where I 'm from , I should n't have to worry about a black cop beating me upside the head when he 's with his white partner , you know , and that happens a lot . ’
54 ‘ You do n't have to worry about a single thing . ’
55 Whatever it is about the cuckoo 's gape that acts like a drug on the host 's nervous system , it must have originated as a genetic mutation .
56 She would never be a great beauty , he knew , but she had a natural charm and personality that lent an extra depth to her character , and he imagined that this would have been how his mother would have looked at a similar age .
57 Listening to her talk about the make of corset she wore and the neckline shape that best suited her , speaking on these matters with the kind of solemnity they would only have brought to bear on the country 's economic situation or the future of the United Nations , they regarded her with the polite incomprehension with which they would have looked at a Martian .
58 It may have looked like a good ruse to get 300 acres lovingly ploughed , but Shillingford Farm happily played host to the British Championships .
59 ‘ I was glad she accepted because otherwise I would have looked like a right banana in front of all those tourists . ’
60 He may have looked like a bank-clerk but he had the heart of a poet , whether he wrote in iambic pentameters or the plain but effective doggerel of the common man .
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